John Livingston News

Do You Believe in Miracles?

This is as good a time as any for me to address some concerns I have about the new mainstream narrative that goes something like this: “We are a divided country and we need a President that will unite us and bring us together” Does our President—in fact, all our military and legislators and government […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

President Trump will Deliver Hope and Change – Not just Promise it

President Trump gave a message of hope at the RNC convention, a message that rings clear with the marvels of our country and the people who helped make it great throughout history. He spoke of a bright future for all its citizens filled with opportunity for anyone who is willing to grab for that brass […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Declaration of War “A Changing Nation”

If you think things are bad, now just wait until we are a month away from the election when the real fireworks will start. What we are seeing now is just a prelude to the real rioting and looting that will take place when the Democrats see how close this race is going to be. […]


The nine-dash line

Since 1947, China has claimed a huge chunk of the South China Sea, referring to the late Chairman Mao’s infamous and dubious nine-dash line. This line outlines the territories, islands, seas, and even countries that Mao Ze Dong claimed as ‘property of the party‘. In 2016, the U.N. Convention of the Sea and its affiliated […]

John Livingston News

Now is The Time to Make a Stand

For a very brief moment in our country’s history, we were united. Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives, Blacks, and Whites. All were disgusted by the video showing a psychopathic cop murdering a handcuffed suspect while three other cops watched. The murder of George Floyd was soon politicized by groups that had little interest in national unity. […]

John Livingston News

What has Trump Done for The Military?

I served for 20 years. I interact monthly with active-duty enlisted and officers. They have never been more proud of their Commander in Chief than they are of Mr. Trump. Our military was almost destroyed under the previous administration. 75% of combat jets were not operational. 8 of 12 carrier groups were not deployable. Rules […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Will Billionaire Bloomberg be the Democratic Presidential Nominee?

If you’re going to war, it is best that you know your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses “Sun Tsu”. Let me lay out a scenario that could put Mike Bloomberg in the driver’s seat at the Democratic National Convention. If there is no real leader before the convention the democrats will have a brokered convention meaning […]

John Livingston News

A Different Way to Pray

I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I was very disappointed with Mitt Romney’s vote on the 1st Article of Impeachment the so-called abuse of power whatever that is. In 2012 I personally gave more money to Mitt’s campaign than I have to all the other campaigns I have contributed too combined. Same […]


Quid Pro Quo! Oh, no!

The Democrats in the impeachment hearings focused much of their time on what they called a quid pro quo by the President of the United States. This so-called abuse of power resulted in a partisan impeachment, not based on any “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” as the Constitution requires, but simply political […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Is America at a Crossroads with Christianity?

Many of our churches are struggling to survive with waning membership We don’t hear enough about how we can change things through the power of prayer. I know in my life it has been the one thing that has helped me get through many bad times in my childhood and as an adult. My fear […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Op-Ed “The Destroyers”

The problem with most politicians today is they are some of the most selfish people you will run into in your life. Everything they do is to help themselves not the people they represent. For instance, take the four congressional representatives who have been berating President Trump and calling him a racist and too many […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Washington is the Disease – Trump is the Cure

I don’t usually criticize columnists like Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal but her recent opinion piece “Crazy Won’t Beat Trump” once again showed her true colors. In this article, she talks about how the polls for Trump have given him excellent marks on the economy but when it comes to the reality that […]

Gem State Patriot News