John Livingston

Christian Conservatism

I understand why so many people are concerned about Donald Trump’s character. I am equally concerned about the character of Joe Biden. I am unable to look into the hearts of others, but a life lived—either well or not is like posting a golf score—it is up there for everybody to read. By the way […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Idaho Politicians Who Call Themselves Conservative

Let’s start with the big lie about Rank Choice Voting being promoted by “conservatives” like former Governor Butch Otter and Former AG Jim Jones. Ranked choice voting is wrong for Idaho’s elections. To start off, it is a complex election process where voters can rank multiple candidates for a single office. If one candidate receives […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Are You Running for Office? This is a Must Read

To sway public opinion in a Conservative Candidate’s favor, simply run the following 10-second ads all over your voting district on Radio, TV, newspapers, social media such as Facebook, X (Twitter), etc. Inspire your electorate with these ads. Bombard them with these ads. They WILL donate for you to run ads like this, as opposed […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Root Cause of Conservative Election Loses

The election on November 7 of this year left conservatives in the dark. There were very few success stories. Many blame the chairwoman of the Republican party, who is related to Mitt Romney. I am sure there is plenty of blame to spread around. But in some cases, it was difficult to work hard to win, […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Idaho Ranks in Top 10 States that are Least Conservative

I have been saying for many years that Idaho is no longer the Reddest of the Red states as attested to by a recent article in the conservative “Daily Wire”. Read the article here: Idahoans need to think hard about voting for someone just because a candidate has an R in front of their […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Conservative: Unchanging Definition

Common terms, like conservative and liberal, with traditional meanings may not mean the same things today. Still, there are definitions of conservative even the liberals have to accept because they are unchanging. Just as some want to abandon the term conservative, many Christians wanted to stop using the term “born again” that was popularized by […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Will Christian Leaders Step Forward to take our Country Back?

So here we are in 2023 and the sun came up once again: I will tell you that the challenges that lie ahead for our country are many and I’m not sure that the American people are up to the task of cleaning out the bureaucratic swamp that we have been squatting in Washington for […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Baby Boomers don’t Recognize America

I’m 77 years old and I have to tell you that most Americans in their 60s on up will tell you that they no longer recognize the country which they grew up in. For too many, the American dream is dying, and we are at the edge of the great abyss with very little time […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

American Drift “It’s a Republic if you can keep it”?

Did you ever wonder how we have gotten to the place we are in America? It seems that our country has been turned upside down. We are just about evenly divided when it comes to the political arena. I like to call this “American Drift” or the transition of our country to something that our […]

John Livingston News

How to Define a Conservative

I am not a political scientist. I am not facile in the application of marketing principles. I have never run or been involved in a political campaign. As a citizen who has become interested in politics only over the last 10 years, I have noticed some problems that seem to be inherent in the so […]

John Livingston News

Family, Faith, and Politics

As the post-election out briefs and political autopsies begin following the presidential election of Nov. 3rd, there is one finding that neither side can refute: This most recent Presidential election has revealed an America drifting apart. We are living as the Wall Street Journal describes in a world of “blue and red bubbles” Democrats live in […]

John Livingston News

The Box

Is there really freedom of conscience and freedom of expression in our country today? Watching as groups identified with BLM and ANTIFA rampaging through our streets, and others who stand with them calling themselves non-violent and both groups invoking freedom of expression while property is destroyed and people are killed, begs asking the question is […]

Gem State Patriot News