John Livingston

Our Christian Founding

I was challenged by several people last week regarding the connection between the Republican structures of government in ancient Rome and the Enlightenment Principles that were both instrumental in the Founding of The American Republic. As alluded to below our founding was unique because it not only incorporated the political philosophies of Ancient Greece and […]

John Livingston

Politics and Faction

The idea that an organized legitimate political opposition to an existing elected government did not exist until our Constitutional Republican form of government emerged from the chaos of The Articles of Confederation. Beginning as early as 1790, before political parties had even come into being, the political landscape was littered with contentious and frequently violent […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Right to Revolution

Why do you suppose the First Amendment says, “Congress shall make no law…” while the Second Amendment says, “shall not be infringed”? Clearly, there is a difference in these statements. One limits a specific entity of government while the other is a blanket and all-encompassing statement. The right to keep and bear arms as recognized […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Join or Die

Right now, we are all witnessing the beginning of a reign of terror unparalleled in human history. The global scam that we have been enduring for the last year and a half is an intricately orchestrated, worldwide coup — and the saddest part is that billions of people have already fallen for it. As bad […]

John Livingston

No God, No Liberty

Blaise Pascal in several of his books uses the example of the holes we are all born with in our spiritual hearts. How we fill those holes and what we fill those holes with defines who we are. Holes can be filled with things like money and big houses and cars. They can be filled […]

John Livingston News

Sleepy Joe and Aaron Burr

I am flattered that I have received so many e-mails regarding my article last week about HOMICIDE OR SUICIDE pointing out that the margin of victory for Joe Biden in 4 key States was less than the votes received by the libertarian candidates in those States. There is no question in my mind that significant […]


The American Crisis – March 2020

For some time, I have wondered where to begin when it comes to understanding what is going on or at least what ought to be going on. Ultimately, it comes down to returning to the foundation of government-what the proper role of government is and what it is not. The foundation was laid over 200 […]

John Livingston News

From Natural Law to Liberty to Capitalism

Over the past 20 years, much of the defense of liberty has centered on its empiric success, rather than on the morality of economic and political systems whose very foundations rest on concepts of liberty. The people who we traditionally have looked to when discussing issues of political philosophy and morality have withdrawn from the […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Op-Ed: Medical Marijuana and Ballot Initiatives

As we observe the effects of pot legalization in neighboring states, it should come as no surprise the proposed ballot initiative to legalize medical marijuana is of great concern to many Idahoans. While some are focusing on efforts to defeat the marijuana initiative, the bigger concern should be the issue of ballot initiatives of any […]


Safeguard for the Supreme Court

— Published with Permission of — In light of President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the left hasn’t changed its playbook. So, it is no surprise to hear claims that appointing an “Original Intent” Justice will bring back Jim Crow and chattel slavery. A reasonable look at history (which is […]


Democracy or Republic? — ‘A Republic, IF you can keep it’

“Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?” “A Republic, if you can keep it.” — Benjamin Franklin So ended the constitutional convention in 1787 with the delegates exiting the hall in Philadelphia. Mrs. Powell asked this question of Dr. Franklin, his answer “a Republic, if you can keep it” tells us a […]

Gem State Patriot News