John Livingston


Horatius: a hero in Roman legend noted for his defense of a bridge over the Tiber against the Etruscans This past week I saw a Facebook Video that showed a flock of baby lambs running out of a corral chute being confronted with an Australian Shepherd at the open gate. They all stopped and turned […]

John Livingston

Happy Fourth of July

Great men and women as they mature and rise to positions of leadership within their families, their businesses, in the professional world and hopefully in government, develop systems within their minds and souls that help them make difficult decisions. I am talking of course about serious-minded people. Our Founding Fathers were serious people. Early on […]

John Livingston

Back to Basics

Happy Father’s Day to all fathers I started writing 12 years ago because I wanted to document for my children the reasons for my religious and political beliefs. More importantly, the predicates upon which those beliefs are grounded are very important. In today’s world even Christian conservatives pull back a little when talking or writing […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Let’s Fight to Make America Great Again

No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 CSB We live in a world where we are excited by trivia and bored by grandeur where it is more important for us to spend time looking at our Facebook page than attending church with our children. We all […]

John Livingston

Where Does Woke Come From?

The central preoccupation and conversation in our society today, in politics, in economics, and in religion and culture is centering around the idea of “Wokeness”. Many disciplines are claiming responsibility for introducing “woke” concepts into the worlds of law, business, academia, and our everyday social interactions. This idea did not just spring up “de novo” […]

Opinions / Op-eds

History Reimagined

In 2021, concern was raised about the Idaho K-12 Civics and U.S. History standards, adopted in 2016. “Lack of specificity is both cause and consequence of a more general lack of rigor” (whatever that means). However, “Enormously broad injunctions and thin, disjointed, thematically scattered content” does describe one defect of these standards. In December, 2023, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Why No Constitutional Convention for 236 Years?

During the upcoming legislative session legislators will be under pressure to pass an Idaho Call for a Conference of States. This will lead to a second Constitutional Convention. Mark Meckler, Chairman of the Conference of States organization will try to persuade you that a Constitutional Convention is a good thing. Below are several great reasons […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Jews Blessed America

Setting History Straight! It has been unbelievable and disheartening to see the Anti-Semitic demonstrations against Israel and the Jews across the world and particularly in America. At the time of the American Revolution, there were at least five synagogues in the colonies and most of the Jews were patriots supporting the revolution. Why would they […]

John Livingston

The Political Theory of Relativity

Several times this week while listening to political pundits on both sides of the spectrum the word “Extremism” or “EXTREMIST” has been used. The Big question for me is who decides what is extreme? King George certainly felt that the Colonial American Patriots were extreme. Members of the Jewish religious hierarchy certainly felt that Jesus […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Labrador Thanksgiving Letter

Dear Friends, Today is Thanksgiving, and a wonderful time to reflect on all the blessings we have as Americans and Idahoans. Even amidst the challenges and struggles we face, there are always reasons to be grateful. I hope that as we gather with our family and friends around the table, we keep those reasons in […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Didn’t We Try That Before?

As conflicts continue to pop up around the world, the United States has vowed to take sides with the oppressed victims of the aggressors. Promising “no boots on the ground”, many other types of assistance are given to these countries. Pretty much everyone has heard the old adage, “Those who cannot remember the past are […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Israelis and Palestinians, Their Origins

The current conflict between Israel and Palestine (or Hamas) prompted several conversations I have had. Rather than who’s right and who’s wrong, the crux of the discussions revolves around the origins of these two people. Both sides claim that the tiny piece of land is the land of their origin. But, both claims cannot be […]

Gem State Patriot News