
Our Political Twist on ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the nightmare before Christmas when all through the house Not a creature was stirring only Nancy the mouse The Rats were all sitting straight up in their chairs Hoping impeachment soon would be theirs Republicans sleeping all snug in their beds The Democrats busy banging their heads With Melania in her kerchief and Trump […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Rep. Russ Fulcher’s Statement on the Impeachment of President Trump

“Today, a stain will be left on the history of the U.S. House of Representatives… one which neither fact nor time will be able to wipe clean. Like other blights on history, this one is self-induced by the selfish ambition of mankind. Having found themselves more desiring of power than service, the stewards of a […]


Senate Must Acquit President Donald J. Trump

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution states, “The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” In this the Constitution is clear. What is also clear in the Constitution is that the […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

The Facts Speak for Themselves! OP-ED by Congressman Russ Fulcher

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is proceeding with impeachment charges against President Trump. As a member of Congress and an Idaho Representative, I understand the gravity of the situation. Every future U.S. President will be subject to the precedent Congress sets within the next few days. To remain objective, every time I review information I […]

John Livingston News

Ode to the “Great Swamp Creature”

Today is a great day for America. Nancy Pelosi has announced that the Democrats in The House of Representatives have filed Articles of Impeachment against President Trump. The slimy liberal progressives have finally crawled out from under their rocks. This is great news for conservatives. Each time the Dems try to make their case publically […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Commentary on the impeachment Hearing from Congressman Russ Fulcher

I spent some time personally witnessing today’s impeachment hearing. Here are some observations: What made today’s hearing interesting was not what happened “in” the hearing, but rather, what happened “around” it. Initial testimony from EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland captured attention when he said he “presumed” there was “quid pro quo”, insinuating the President put the […]


Democrats and Welfare Rats

Recently our president, Donald John Trump, was booed at a baseball game in Washington, D.C. With the typically bad taste and poor manners of left-wing progressive socialists, they yelled, “Lock him up. Lock him up.” It was a coarse imitation of the president’s 2016 campaign comments where he threatened to ‘lock up‘ a known felon, […]

John Livingston News

Faceless Accusations

When my father returned from Japan after serving for 5 years during and after the Korean War, he carried with him a small book that several years earlier had been turned into a well-known Japanese play called “Rashamon” In the play 5 witnesses—including an apparition of the murdered protagonist, recount the rape and murder of […]

John Livingston News

It’s Just Politics as Usual

So few people today in our country have an appreciation of our own national history. Watching the news out of Washington can only be depressing. Everything is viewed through the lens of politics. Even the basic sciences have become politicized. Medical research, global warming, public health, have all been compromised by the funneling of political […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Immigration – Have we lost the ‘Rule of Law’?

I for one would like to know what happened to the rule of law in our country. There was a time when if you committed a crime, you did the time. Nowadays if you do the crime by illegally entering our country, you get a free driver’s license, healthcare, and assistance from social services. Last […]

John Livingston News Opinions / Op-eds

Why I like Trump

We have a problem where I live every spring when the runoff from out winter snowpack in the mountains raises the flows in the Boise River. When that happens the animals that take refuge along the river find their ways into the basements and yards and ponds just a few feet above the river banks. […]


Trump’s Executive Order for Colleges – How Idaho is affected

Trump’s executive order will directly affect Boise State University in a punitive manner. Former Boise State President Bob Kustra’s stated goal was to transform Boise State into a “metropolitan research university of distinction” shortly after his 2003 arrival. Transforming Boise State came at the cost of having undergraduate students as their primary customer; this meant […]

Gem State Patriot News