Opinions / Op-eds

RNC Showcases a Message of Hope

What a week! I’m writing to you from the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where Idaho’s 32 delegates proudly cast their votes for the next President of the United States, Donald J. Trump! America is in a rough place right now. The American Dream seems further out of reach than ever before. Inflation has […]

John Livingston

If Not Now, When? If Not You, Who?

Like many Republicans, I have been bathing in the afterglow of the Republican convention. “Kumbaya”. We should celebrate for a day or two and then get back to work. Where are the voices from two years ago from the corporate mercantilist wing of our party that preached from the pulpit of Tolerance—not acceptance? Mitt, Romney, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Republican Presidential Debate Highlights the Party’s Strength

Republicans have never been afraid of debating the issues. Unlike the other side, which conspires to silence and censor anyone who disagrees with them, Republicans embrace the marketplace of ideas. Wednesday’s Republican presidential primary debate was a perfect example.  It was a privilege to have the opportunity to attend the first Presidential Debate as a […]

Opinions / Op-eds

What the 2024 Idaho Presidential Caucus might be like

During the last legislative session, the Secretary of State Phil McGrane pushed legislation to move the Presidential Primary from March to May. Unfortunately, the bill was poorly drafted and what it really did was to ELIMINATE Idaho’s Presidential Primary entirely. Despite this flaw, the Governor signed the bill which disenfranchised every Idaho citizen from expressing […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Fight to Save our Republic is a Road Show

Since I started my time as chairwoman of the Idaho Republican Party, I’ve put a lot of miles on my rig. I’ve crisscrossed the state to attend Lincoln Days, county GOP meetings, and community events.  I’ve also had the opportunity to travel out-of-state for Republican National Committee events. Just last week, I traveled to Oklahoma […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idaho’s voice must be heard, and early on, in 2024 Presidential race

The 2024 Republican Presidential Primary is shaping up to be one of the most consequential primaries of the last forty years. Selecting the delegates who will decide the next Republican nominee can seem a complicated and arcane process. Across the country, state Republican parties use different procedures to select delegates to send to the Republican […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

President Trump will Deliver Hope and Change – Not just Promise it

President Trump gave a message of hope at the RNC convention, a message that rings clear with the marvels of our country and the people who helped make it great throughout history. He spoke of a bright future for all its citizens filled with opportunity for anyone who is willing to grab for that brass […]


This Explains A Lot

— Published with Permission of — Republican National Committee Chief of Staff Sara Armstrong is leaving the party’s top staff position to become a senior official with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. In a news release Thursday, the powerful business organization announced that Armstrong had been hired as vice president for political affairs and federal […]


If Trump and GOP Were Attached to a Murder, What Would Media Say?

Our country has become a Banana Republic. Anything minor Trump does is leaked (a crime), taken out of context, hyped through the roof, and then turned into hysterical headlines by the media. The media turns an ordinary conversation by Trump (that every president has) into the biggest news story of the year. But if Democrats […]

Gem State Patriot News