John Livingston

Resistance or Collaboration

I have never been very interested in the “soft sciences” of sociology or psychology, but I have been interested in their distant cousin, economics. Transactions—financial and otherwise, and commerce, bring people together and ultimately form the basis of our growing societies. Unquestionably feelings of love and loyalty have a very important place in our lives […]

John Livingston

Inflation is Government’s Best Friend

Midway through the DNC Convention week we are back to ground zero in the National Presidential Election sweepstakes. The economy is in a state of limbo just now emerging from a faux Covid-induced overspending and a 22% overall inflationary spiral that has created a dichotomy between those who benefit—investors in some asset classes, and those […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Will America walk in the way of Wisdom or the way of Folly?

Proverbs 9 It’s interesting that the same government officials who caused our current inflation problem with huge spending policies are now telling us that they can fix the problem with price controls. I have never heard of anything so dumb in my life. My educational background is in economics and history so when I listen […]

John Livingston

Who is Gouging Whom?

Finally, Kamala has shown her true colors. She is a socialist Marxist and believes that the people actually exist to serve the government and not the other way around. Calling out major food processing and grocery companies for “gouging” consumers is typical of people who don’t understand basic economics. Yes, consumer and producer prices are […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom Opinions / Op-eds

Illegal Immigration Creates a False Economy

Last week Jesse Wates made some very interesting comments during his monologue about all of these jobs that Biden claims he has created. His message was very clear that almost all of these jobs went to foreigners and this Biden economic boom has done little to help middle-class Americans. Even the chairman of the Fed […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

It’s the Economy, Stupid

The question for every American is “Are you better off today than you were four years ago”? As Joe Biden and his leftist lackeys drone on and lie about how good the economy is Americans are not feeling the love and many are sinking deeper into debt by the month. The middle class is suffering […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

SOTU – 73 Minutes of Unadulterated Propaganda and Lies

What I heard in the SOTU was an old man who was pumped up with drugs and deteriorating mentally shouting like an angry child who was looking for attention. This is a man who three short years ago claimed he was going to be the great uniter yet he has done nothing but divide our […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Americans Aborted 63 Million Babies

Now we have Congressmen who want to replace them with Illegals You can’t make this stuff up: Democratic Representative Jerry Nadler ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee said, “We need immigrants in this country,” “Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren’t being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants. The […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Democrat Chaos

An accountant friend would tell a story of the 1980 Savings and Loan collapse. He attended a meeting where the board members watched a presentation recommending that they upgrade their corporate jet to the latest model for several million dollars. After the presentation ended the chairman stood up and announced their S&L was insolvent and […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Why Government bailed out Silicon Valley Bank

Capitalism for the Gains, Communism for the Losses I was taught very young in my life that “A Fool and His Money are soon Parted”. Except if you live in a country with a government that protects the wealthy and taxes the poor. This was the case with the failure of the Silicon Valley Bank. […]

John Livingston

Shake ‘Em Up

This quote that several weeks ago went viral on the internet appears to have been inspired by a passage from author Kurt Vonnegut’s 1963 Novel CAT’S CRADDLE: The quote that came across my e-mail two weeks ago was wrongly attributed to naturalist writer David Attenborough. I just couldn’t imagine a naturalist designing such an experiment. […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Op-Ed Rail Strike Avoided

81 years ago, today Japan attacked our navy at Pearl Harbor. Thousands of servicemen lost their lives. Even today there are somewhat wild theories as to why Japan did so. I just read in the paper that Congress has passed a law that prevents the railroads from striking. A railroad strike would have been devastating, […]

Gem State Patriot News