John Livingston

Who are the Racists?

Since its’ founding in 1829, the modern-day Democratic Party, not the party of Jefferson, has been the party of racial subjugation and racism and has a long and irrefutable history of discrimination. Let’s look at the history of race baiting and the modern-day Democratic Party: Defended Slavery Started the Civil War Opposed Reconstruction Started the […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

President Trump Acquitted 57 – 43

Well, folks, the phony impeachment trial by the democrats has failed to convict President Trump of Incitement of Insurrection. Just like the phony charges of dealing with the Russians were proven to be nothing but lies made up by the deep state. If you spent any time listening to the arguments in the senate, it […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Phony Impeachment, States Need to Push Back

Comments by TeaPartyBob on this morning’s Kevin Miller Show on KIDO Talk Radio – 107.5 FM & 580 AM Good morning Kevin: I would just like to mention that the Gem State Patriot has opened up its website to accept donations for the families of the three national guardsmen who perished in the helicopter crash. […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Real Virus Destroying America is Complacency

It is not the Covid-19 virus that is killing the American Dream it is the complacency of it citizens to stand up and stop this takeover of our country. The fate of America has always been in the hands of its citizens, that is how our forefathers put it together in our constitution and bill […]

John Livingston News

Where to Begin a Discussion

Make no mistake about it the people rioting, looting, killing in our streets are supported by those in the progressive liberal Democratic movement including local mayors and DA’s. Nobody in the streets, including white snowflake country club millennial women confronting and shouting at policeman who are sworn to support the laws of our country and […]


Democrat Party – Still the Party of Racism

Systemic Racism is Very Real – But It Is Not What the Left Says It Is The Democrat party did not suddenly metamorphize from being the party of racists to a party of black salvation. They simply changed their tactics. The Democrat party was the party of slavery. When that failed it became the party […]


Quid Pro Quo! Oh, no!

The Democrats in the impeachment hearings focused much of their time on what they called a quid pro quo by the President of the United States. This so-called abuse of power resulted in a partisan impeachment, not based on any “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” as the Constitution requires, but simply political […]

John Livingston News

Ode to the “Great Swamp Creature”

Today is a great day for America. Nancy Pelosi has announced that the Democrats in The House of Representatives have filed Articles of Impeachment against President Trump. The slimy liberal progressives have finally crawled out from under their rocks. This is great news for conservatives. Each time the Dems try to make their case publically […]


Democrats and Welfare Rats

Recently our president, Donald John Trump, was booed at a baseball game in Washington, D.C. With the typically bad taste and poor manners of left-wing progressive socialists, they yelled, “Lock him up. Lock him up.” It was a coarse imitation of the president’s 2016 campaign comments where he threatened to ‘lock up‘ a known felon, […]


Planned Parenthood is the Heart of the Democrat Party

If socialism has overtaken the head of the modern Democratic Party, then Planned Parenthood is its heart. We saw that emotional commitment to darkness when every Democrat in the U.S. Senate voted to protect infanticide just last week. But this week brought news that the passion for Planned Parenthood’s death agenda runs through every artery […]


The Democratic Party’s History of Anarchy: Part 4

Whether it was the Southern Democrats donning the white hoods to intimidate minorities and enforce Jim Crow laws or turning a blind eye on union violence, the Democratic Party has not been shy about embracing violence to get what they want. In the 1960’s, the majority of the Democratic Party’s leadership were still determined to […]


‘I’m a Democrat. I will always be a Democrat!’

“I’m a Democrat. I will always be a Democrat,” is the constant exultation of one of our closest family members. As such, there are regular challenges to us to see things like this relative understands them from the constant drumming of propaganda at MSNBC. Loyalty is a very admirable trait. But utter blind loyalty is […]

Gem State Patriot News