
The Benefits of Being a Government Employee — Just Ask Teresa Luna

Marty Trillhaase Finally Gets One Right. In the Opinion section of the Idaho Statesman we find our bozo reporter of the Lewiston Tribune beating up on Governor Otter for his handling of Teresa Luna’s resignation from the Department of Administration. Evidently we must have a new policy for letting employees go from a government job. […]


Tea Party Bob’s response to the Idaho Statesman’s Editorial Board

In an obvious attempt to place blame and rip conservative Republican members of our legislature, your editorial claimed our legislators should have taken advantage of the drop in gas prices and raised the gas tax by 25 cents per gallon to $.50. Continuing with the Governors standard message you claim that $262,000,000 is needed to […]


SB 1067: King Otter Doesn’t Care About State Sovereignty

Just a quick comment on bill 1067 covering child support payments and acceptance of a treaty that will subject Idaho to foreign laws and data searches. We already have laws on the books to cover child support issues. The Governor and his minions at the liberal media are bringing out the “boogeyman” scenarios to scare […]


Tax Them Till They Cry

Well folks the legislative session is over and the people we elected to office have once again outdone themselves. They have given us a few new dumb laws and regulations but the real kicker is the big fat $95 million tax increase with a 7 cent increase in the gas tax they passed late last […]


Stop Forcing Government Education Programs on Idaho

As you know I’ve been personally involved in this battle on fixing our education system and getting rid of Common Core for the past 2 years, so I do appreciate that you are spending time with parents who care enough about their children to homeschool them. Outside of a private school this is the only […]


Medicaid Expansion or Corporate Theft? You Decide

In a recent Idaho Statesman article “IDAHO HEALTH INSURANCE COSTS TICK HIGHER” we are finally seeing the beginning of the end of the Obama Battle Cry. The president said “His health care law is reducing the overall costs – $1,800 in people’s pockets.” We all know what has really happened. Costs have doubled in many […]


Transparency According to Governor Otter?

We find Governor Otter’s guest opinion in a recent issue of the Idaho Statesman “Idaho is serious about increasing transparency” amusing and at best disingenuous. We realize our Governor was talking about Idaho’s Public Records Act, but why do we need a special “Transparency and Ethics” law to have public officials we are paying to […]


What’s wrong with Idaho’s education system and what can we learn from a successful private school?

Two months ago we had an opportunity to visit The Ambrose School. This is a private not for profit Traditional Christian school with about 400 students from K-12. When we first drove onto the school grounds you would think your were visiting some billionaire’s Tudor Mansion, yet upon entering the doorway we were amazed by […]


Freedom of the Press? Equal Access? Not in Idaho’s State House

A few weeks ago I went to our State Capitol Building to see about acquiring capitol correspondent credentials or basically a press pass for the capitol, for the Gem State Patriot. I walked into the “Press Room” and there were several reporters busy typing on their computers. Betsy Russell saw me standing there and recognized […]


Liberal Media Vilifies Senator Sheryl Nuxoll for Non-Participation During Hindu Prayer

ENOUGH WITH POLITICAL CORRECTNESS Liberal Media at it again attacking the conservative members of our Idaho legislature. Betsy Russell and several other liberal writers have put out some scathing articles, which could only have been written by true progressives, vilifying Senator Sheryl Nuxoll for not attending the reading of a prayer by a Hindu priest […]


Tea Party Bob on IACI and Alex LaBeau

WHO REALLY CONTROLS IDAHO’S LEGISLATURE?? IS IACI HERDING OUR LEGISLATORS?? SAY IT AIN’T SO, ALEX LABEAU. What is happening to Greg Pruett and his Constitutional Carry bill is the same thing that happens to any bill that the establishment or the lobbyists are against. They either say there is something wrong with the language, or […]


An open letter to Chairman Palmer and members of the House Transportation & Defense Committee

To: Chairman Palmer and members of the House Transportation & Defense Committee. Congratulations Representative Palmer for your bold proposals on fixing our transportation problem, but why are you laying most of the burden on the middle and lower income families of Idaho? Your suggestion of raising the gasoline tax by 8 cents and the diesel […]

Gem State Patriot News