Tina Dean was elected by the voters to represent zone 1 of the West Ada School District.

Where Tina Dean Stands on the Issues.
- Has made student success a priority.
- Is addressing critical bussing issues.
- Supports parental rights.
- Supports listening sessions for parents & students.
- Makes herself accessible.
- Is promoting a user friendly strategic plan.
- Supporting Academic Freedom.
- Working to reduce evaluations & paperwork.
- Exercising fiscal responsibility and accountability.
- Demanding Transparency.
- Questioning cost overruns like the Hillsdale School.
I have personally sat in on many of the West Ada School Board meetings in the last four months and have concluded that Tina Dean always conducts herself in a respectful business-like manner. She is someone who cares about the education of our children and respects the rights of parents to question the board on important decisions. She has brought a new transparency and accountability to this board of trustees, and it would be a travesty to lose her at this critical time when there are so many important decisions which must be made for our children’s future in the district.
— Respectfully, Bob Neugebauer, Committeeman Precinct 14/18