Opinions / Op-eds

Op-Ed: Who will pay for eight new West Ada Schools?

IP article 4-8-22 “West Ada outlines need for 8 additional schools” This is a problem for the Legislature to resolve and frankly is simple mathematics. The Concerned Citizens of Canyon County Committee, during the past three years has been urging the legislature to give school districts the ability to use impact fees for new school […]


West Ada Residents File Petition for Recall Against School Board Trustees

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 6, 2020 Linsy Heiner, 208.918.4475 BOISE – Residents within the West Ada School District will file a Petition for Recall against all five members of West Ada School Board on Tuesday, Oct 6th. The Petition will be filed with the Ada County Clerk’s office. The recall effort was started […]


How can the West Ada School District make up its Budget Shortfall?

Part of the Answer lies in an open letter to the Board from Russ Joki The Gem State Patriot received this very interesting letter to the West Ada School District (WASD) Board of Trustees. We decided it should be shared with all of our readers and we hope they will distribute it to all of […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Cronyism Goes Right to the Top of the Food Chain

Thanks Governor Otter for Proving Our Point It appears that our lame duck Governor and his wife, along with 3 district 21 legislators have decided to weigh in on the West Ada School District recall, but we don’t recollect seeing any of them at the West Ada Board meetings in the last four months which […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Vote AGAINST Recall of Trustee Tina Dean on May 17th, 2016

Tina Dean was elected by the voters to represent zone 1 of the West Ada School District.

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

More Unnecessary Corporate Influence in the Education of our children.

PLEASE SHARE THIS IMPORTANT MESSAGE Why did the Meridian Chamber of Commerce decide in their ultimate wisdom that they should wade in on the recall issue of the West Ada School District? Our question is why is a business organization getting involved in a school board recall? It all comes down to money, power and […]

Gem State Patriot News