Opinions / Op-eds

Labrador Defends American Firearms Manufacturers from Liability for Mexico’s Gun Violence

[BOISE] – Attorney General Raúl Labrador joined a coalition of 27 states in defending American firearms manufacturers against attempts to hold the companies liable for gun violence in Mexico. If a lower court’s ruling is allowed to stand, Americans’ Second Amendment rights could be threatened. In their petition, the attorneys general ask the Supreme Court of […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idaho Joins Multi-State Coalition in Defense of Second Amendment

[BOISE] – Idaho Attorney General Raúl Labrador joined Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach in filing a lawsuit on behalf of 21 states opposing an ATF rule that would prevent law-abiding Americans from privately selling firearms. The rule seeks to require a federal firearms dealer license for every individual who sells a firearm for anything the ATF […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Idaho GOP is Growing, as Conservative Idahoans Embrace Message of Faith, Family, and Freedom

The Idaho Republican Party held its 2024 Winter Meeting last weekend at Harvest Church in Meridian. I am proud to say it was one of the best run meetings I’ve ever had the pleasure of attending. The Rules and Resolutions Committees worked hard into Friday night, and their work paid off when the State Central […]


Attorney General Labrador Leads Nationwide Fight Against California’s Unconstitutional Assault Weapons Ban

Boise, ID – Attorney General Raúl Labrador led a coalition of 27 states in filing an Amicus Curiae brief in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in support of the Second Amendment, asking the Court to affirm the lower court’s decision to enjoin California’s unconstitutional Assault Weapons Control Act (AWCA) in Miller v. Bonta. For […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

How safe would America be without the 2nd Amendment?

In the past 3 years, we have seen a breach of our southern border by millions of illegals from countries around the world. Many of these illegals are only looking for better economic opportunities than those available in their country of origin. Border agents for all their hard work have been hard-pressed to keep out […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The Disarming of America

As Hunter Biden was being indicted on federal gun charges, much of the nation was shocked when New Mexico’s Governor came out with a gun ban because of the number of shootings that had taken place recently. If you think for a minute that the left is letting up on taking our guns you had […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Attorney General Labrador Pushes Back on Unconstitutional Firearm Carry Restrictions

Boise, ID – Attorney General Raúl Labrador joined a coalition of 19 state attorneys general in filing an amicus brief urging the court to halt Maryland county’s unconstitutional gun bans in places of public assembly and in the 100-yard “buffer zones” around them. “While local municipalities have a degree of autonomy in some issues, it […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

America’s Schools have become Killing Fields

Another sad story of a school shooting this past week that could have been avoided along with another call from stupid politicians for a ban on assault rifles, what a bunch of jerks we have elected to office. Had the teachers been armed chances are this tragic event would never have happened. When there is […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Does America Really Need a Constitutional Convention of States?

What is wrong with our Constitution? Absolutely Nothing! There is nothing wrong with our Constitution but there is something wrong with the people we have elected to enforce its rules. Here is an example of why our country is in deep trouble. This is a recent quote from our President ‘More than half the women […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Right to Revolution

Why do you suppose the First Amendment says, “Congress shall make no law…” while the Second Amendment says, “shall not be infringed”? Clearly, there is a difference in these statements. One limits a specific entity of government while the other is a blanket and all-encompassing statement. The right to keep and bear arms as recognized […]

John Livingston

The Score is Always “Nothing to Nothing” (0-0)

One of my great mentors in life was Marv Moorehead. He was a legendary football coach in Ohio that changed the lives of many young men, including me. He is in The Ohio Football Hall of Fame and was remembered fondly last weekend by members of one of his three consecutive State Championship teams. After […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Senate RINOs Vote to Fund Red Flag Laws

Is the real problem Guns-Drugs or Mental Illness? If you’re a regular reader of the Gem State you know how we have been fighting to get the RINOs out of our state government with only minimal success although this last primary did show us that there is still hope for the future. It is not […]

Gem State Patriot News