Bob's Words of Wisdom News

An Open Letter to the Idaho Republican Party Chairman Tom Luna

Regarding your e-mail request for donations to build a state wide voter ID system Dear Mr. Luna and all associate RINOs, I would like to reply to your message sent to me by Amos Rothstein about the changes in the number of Democratic voters in our last election. This is something I have been aware […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Phony Impeachment, States Need to Push Back

Comments by TeaPartyBob on this morning’s Kevin Miller Show on KIDO Talk Radio – 107.5 FM & 580 AM Good morning Kevin: I would just like to mention that the Gem State Patriot has opened up its website to accept donations for the families of the three national guardsmen who perished in the helicopter crash. […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Fighting Back

For months now, the global social media giants have been eliminating from their formats anything that they consider to be abusive of their rules. What you have to remember is they make up the rules as they go along to reach their goals of limiting the freedom of speech. I myself was personally removed and […]

John Livingston News

A Pincer Maneuver

A “PINCER MANEUVER” in battle occurs when two forces meet each other and one deploys the strength of force toward both flanks of the enemy, hoping to envelop and surround the enemy cutting off supply and logistical support. It can be dangerous if the enemy being enveloped can rapidly break through the middle of the […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Real Virus Destroying America is Complacency

It is not the Covid-19 virus that is killing the American Dream it is the complacency of it citizens to stand up and stop this takeover of our country. The fate of America has always been in the hands of its citizens, that is how our forefathers put it together in our constitution and bill […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

A Christmas Greeting from the Gem State Patriot

Dear Friends, As we settle down to enjoy this Christmas holiday, we all need to pray for our country and our President as both have been under unabated siege for the past 4 years. We have reached a critical juncture in our country’s history and we as citizens of the greatest experiment the world has […]


The Theft of a Nation

While we worry about making a living and how our children are being educated we are taking our eyes off the real problem as our country is being changed into something it was never meant to be. Trump is the first president I can remember who has actually kept all of the campaign promises he […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Awful Truth about Republican Legislators

Can we make “Ada Great Again”? Maybe… What most of the people of Idaho don’t get including the Republicans involved in the “Make Ada Great Again” movement is that the problem is not with the democrats but with our RINO republican legislators who no longer vote conservatively. When you have 4 senators who vote conservative […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

‘American Sheeple’ — The Fleecing of America

While there are many conspiracy theories popping up these days in relation to the covid19 crisis I think the real problem is how the American people have reacted like a bunch of sheeple following federal and state government orders to shut the country down. I do believe that there are sinister forces at work that […]


RINOs are Worse than Crazy Democrats

I remember when Halloween was the scariest night of the year. Now, it’s Election night. Shortly after of the election, transformations begin appearing among Republicans revealing people most of us should despise, RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) who are not honoring their oaths to our Constitutions, U.S. and state, and not taking their great GOP […]


What’s up with Senator Nonini’s Crony Endorsements in 2016?

Senator Nonini opens up his article by saying this is one of the most important primaries Idaho has seen in decades. I think that we will all agree with that statement and then some. There are over 200 candidates running for various legislative offices in this primary and the selection by the voters is going […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Another Way of Spelling RINO is MALEK

The following is a short quiz to help you determine whether a particular candidate for Idaho’s First Congressional District is a “true” Republican or a Democrat in disguise (usually referred to as a “RINO” or “Republican In Name Only.) Would a Republican or Democrat vote for the state exchange and be the only Republican state […]

Gem State Patriot News