News Opinions / Op-eds

Biden-Harris Administration Wage Jihad on Preborn Babies

Special Report to the Gem State Patriot As of this writing, Mr. Biden has occupied the Oval Office for something like ten days. And already it is crystal clear that this Administration bears a furious hostility toward preborn babies and the pro-Life movement. Even before he assumed office, Mr. Biden’s Inaugural Committee helped raise money […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Rep. Russ Fulcher Speaks about a Biden Presidency

This is an interview with Rep. Fulcher conducted by Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer on January 21, 2021. What was your take on Biden’s inauguration? The event was respectful of tradition, and President Biden’s theme of “unity for America” was good to hear. Unfortunately, the executive orders he signed immediately after being sworn-in and the urgent push […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Great Covid Caper

While I don’t believe we are heading for what Aldous Huxley described in his book “Brave New World”, I do believe that if Joe Biden is installed as the 46th president of these United States, we will see the beginning of the end when it comes to our constitutional freedoms. We saw the beginnings of […]


Why was Trump’s Speech Censored?

President Trump’s December 23 speech about the fraudulent General Election was censored by the mainstream media. Fortunately, the speech can still be viewed above or at this link. (Content begins at the 1:30 mark.) Citizens’ testimony during state legislature hearings and in signed affidavits provides this evidence of massive voter and election fraud: Poll […]


Deep State Exposed

If anyone disputes that “Crooked Hillary” deserves such a title and/or that a “Deep State” shadow government headed by Barack Obama exists, this five-minute video published on December 15, 2020, should dispel all doubt: At great personal risk, Patrick Byrne explains his role in working with the FBI to facilitate an $18 million bribe […]

John Livingston News

Fast Freddie and Fake News

FAST FREDDIE FARREL was a fraternity brother of mine. He was a genius. A double major in physics and chemistry he went on to teach at MIT. Freddie only had to read or hear something once and it was committed to his memory forever. Freddie also thought he was a great basketball player. He was […]


The Theft of a Nation

While we worry about making a living and how our children are being educated we are taking our eyes off the real problem as our country is being changed into something it was never meant to be. Trump is the first president I can remember who has actually kept all of the campaign promises he […]


Ballot Recounts and Audits Do Not Reverse Voter Fraud – What are Possible Solutions?

I commend the many county clerks and other election officials who lawfully and competently conducted this year’s very complicated General Election. I do not believe fraud occurred in my county. Unfortunately, however, fraudulent activities at the county precinct or “voting station” level were perpetrated or sanctioned by other counties’ (and states’) voters and election officials. […]

John Livingston News

Sleepy Joe and Aaron Burr

I am flattered that I have received so many e-mails regarding my article last week about HOMICIDE OR SUICIDE pointing out that the margin of victory for Joe Biden in 4 key States was less than the votes received by the libertarian candidates in those States. There is no question in my mind that significant […]

John Livingston News

Homicide or Suicide?

In my post last week, I was extremely critical of the RINOs in the Republican Party who not only sat out the Presidential election, but also gave little support to down-ballot candidates. Donald Trump had to do everything on his own. The Bushies, Mittens, Little John Kasich, frat boy Paul Ryan, and pothead Jon Boehner […]

John Livingston News

Trump 2020 – 2024

I am writing this missive on post- Election Day 3. As I was driving down State Street today, a lady saw my Trump hat and pointing to it said, “pray.” “Always,” I responded. The stock market is up 1,000 points not because “Hiden Joe” looks to have won, but because it looks like for the […]

John Livingston News


I joined the Navy in 1973 only because I needed a way to pay for Medical School. I wasn’t necessarily patriotic. Growing up and going to college in Ohio I was exposed to the campus unrest and violent demonstrations on college campuses like Kent State and Oberlin and Antioch. Like most college kids the war […]

Gem State Patriot News