Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Slaying Idaho’s Leftist Dragon

If you want to slay the Dragon, you have to be willing to cut off its head. Only the voters of Idaho can wield that sword by cutting funding to those institutions that are at the forefront of the liberalization of our state. We have been talking about the transition of Idaho for some time […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Idaho Turns Blue?

This morning, we talked about how Idaho is changing, little by little, each election cycle with the crony politicians continuing to dominate our legislature. Much of this is because of the ambivalence and inability of Idaho’s voters, who live in the urbanized areas, to elect true conservatives. Idaho is going to change first culturally and […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Storytelling is Wrong

In politics, storytelling is a way of life. One side spins the facts and omits the negatives, hoping to persuade the voter to do their bidding. This is the case for Medicaid expansion here in Idaho. Most states that implemented the expansion provided a pathway for funding. They realized that the expansion will cost millions […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Let’s Talk Turkey on Taxes

First, I would like to chime in on some of your comments about the legislature and how they do a lot of talking but when it comes to cutting their bloated budgets and reducing taxes, they are nothing but a flock of lame ducks. Let’s be honest; most of them have yet to prove themselves […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

An Open Letter to Idaho Governor Little

Dear Governor Little, I was looking forward to good things happening under your administration, and some have, but what your Office, the ISP, the Prosecutor’s Association and other law enforcement interests have done to the Hemp Bill, H 122a, is a serious tragedy and a public disgrace. Certainly, when laws are made those who will […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

The Initiative Process Furthers the Progressive Goal of Direct Democracy

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” It may not have been Winston Churchill who said it, but that does not make it any less accurate. We have received myriad warnings against democracy from John Adams’ observation that “There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide” […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Liberal Creep by Osmosis in Idaho

We often ask ourselves how many of our Washington legislators who we thought were conservative republicans turned out to be nothing more than puppets for the corporate lobbyist establishment. Just look at Congressman Paul Ryan or Senator Mitt Romney to see my point. Or how about the 40 republicans who retired in this past year […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

RINOs on the Loose in the Idaho Legislature

We the people of Idaho would like to send Senator Fred Martin, the RINO from District 15 in Boise, a message like the one he sent us by refusing to hold a hearing on HB 133. This bill would require school districts to inform the parents of school-age children that they have a right to […]


Idaho House Bill 162

H.B. 162, Idaho Council on Federal Lands, has passed the house and forwarded to the Senate Resources & Environment Committee for a hearing on Monday, March 11, 2019 at 12:15pm. The purpose of this legislation is providing for a legislative council on federal lands issues. The created council “shall monitor and review policies and issues […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

We are Responsible for the Undermining of our Republic

When the American people lose interest in who they elect to govern them and who teaches their children, it is the beginning of the end of our republic as it was founded. Most Americans are living in a bubble and are so involved in their own lives they don’t take the time necessary to discover […]


Are Republican Legislators for Limited Government?

Is Idaho on a path to rapid progressivism? Initial reactions to that question might be a resounding “no” or maybe even “hell no.” But indulge me for a moment on the reality of our current status as a “conservative” state. Idahoans would largely agree that we are one of the most conservative states in the […]


STOP Idaho From Further Limiting Your Freedom of Choice in Healthcare!

While there is a shortage of doctors in Idaho and, for that matter in the United States, our legislators want to make it even more difficult for Idahoans to choose a doctor for yourselves and their family. A new bill in the legislature which has been a recurring bill brought up by representative for District […]

Gem State Patriot News