Opinions / Op-eds

Calling All Christians… To Vote!

According to a recent survey by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, only 51% of all faith voters are likely to vote in November. According to this article, entitled Apathy Among Christian Voters Could Be ‘Gamechanger’ in 2024 Election, a full 104 million faith voters are unlikely to vote in this election. “The […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Extremist or Patriots — Labels

The term “extremism” has been tossed around and recently used to describe those who are perceived to be “right-wing hardliners,” who are set in their ways and don’t listen to common sense. It used to be considered “extreme” to support expanding government control and programs, lack of transparency and unnecessary spending. It used to be […]

Opinions / Op-eds

More Shenanigans, More Spending, And Less Tax Relief!

Our Joint Finance Appropriations Committee (JFAC) voted early in the 2024 legislative session to split our state agency budgets. This meant the House and Senate would vote on the maintenance segment of the state budget, and then have debate on the line items or new requests (including governor’s requests) to determine wants and needs. This […]


Critical Race Theory and Carrots

It’s an age-old trick: dangling the carrot in front of the donkey to get him to move; in other words, to induce desired behavior. Presently in Idaho, the “carrot” is the millions of dollars in federal grants, which induces acceptance of the accompanying ideologies within the Critical Race Theory and other “social justice” agendas. Critical […]


Important Information for the November Ballot

Our November ballots will include the following question: Shall Section 2, Article III of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to require that the Senate shall consist of thirty-five members; and shall Section 4, Article III, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to require that the Legislature shall […]


Cover Your Assets – Gov. Little’s Immunity Plea

As the COVID pandemic and Governor Little’s overreaction have persisted for 5 months now, citizens are voicing a need for the legislature to be involved. They want to address Governor Little’s “emergency” orders. It finally appears the Governor is willing to involve the legislature in these crucial life-or-death and prosper-or-perish decisions. Not so fast! Instead, […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Our country is at a crossroads

The Book of Revelations describes a “war in Heaven,” wherein “the dragon was cast out,” and has waged war for the souls of God’s children since that time. For those of us who accept the Bible as God’s word, we recognize the battle between good and evil; that because of God and Jesus Christ we […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Op-Ed: Medical Marijuana and Ballot Initiatives

As we observe the effects of pot legalization in neighboring states, it should come as no surprise the proposed ballot initiative to legalize medical marijuana is of great concern to many Idahoans. While some are focusing on efforts to defeat the marijuana initiative, the bigger concern should be the issue of ballot initiatives of any […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Op-Ed: What is YOUR Line in the Sand?

There is no doubt, your freedom is under attack. What is your line in the sand? Do you have one? Can we draw a “line in the sand” when we may not even be sure where it should be? How many rights are we willing to lose, rather than stand up for truth? For example, […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Op-Ed: Thou Shalt Not Kill

In 1973, the Roe v. Wade decision determined that a state law banning abortion (which included an exception to save the life of the mother) was unconstitutional. The court ruled that states were forbidden from prohibiting or regulating abortions performed in the first trimester; during the second and third trimesters states were allowed to enact […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

The Challenge of Dealing with Referendums like Medicaid Expansion

Last November, Idaho voters approved the proposition to expand Medicaid, but the process of getting the program funded and done right, if at all, is not so clear. The proposition passed by voters didn’t speak to how it was to be funded, nor did it address other details such as work requirements and limitations. This […]


Op Ed: Will You Get Involved?

Do the Constitution and the principles contained therein really matter to you? As our legislators consider matters concerning 2nd Amendment rights, limiting or prohibiting abortion, notifying parents about sex education, or vaccine exemptions—how do these and a myriad of other issues affect your personal life? Many wars, blood, and tears have been shed in order […]

Gem State Patriot News