Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Medical Marijuana Saves Lives and Money

Legalization of medical marijuana use has been fought by Big Pharma for years because it cuts into their profits. You only have to look at the campaign contributions to state and federal legislators to see how much influence they have in decisions made by government. Recent studies show that painkiller abuse particularly opioids overdoses are lower […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Why Healthcare Sharing Companies Thrive with Obamacare’s Demise

Most Health Sharing Ministries have been around for a few decades and there are only six that we know of in the U.S. They must have existed and been in practice continually since December 31, 1999. The interesting attribute of these ministries is that they only seem to attract those people who are healthier than […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

All Polls are not Equal: Fulcher Maintains Strong Lead With Conservatives

The Editorial Board of the Gem State Patriot decided to do this poll for the 2018 gubernatorial race because of a poll published by the Idaho Freedom Foundation taken Feb. 6 – 8. While we have enormous respect for the Idaho Freedom Foundation, we felt their poll presented a slanted result because of the narrow […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

You Want a Good Governor for Idaho? ‘Read the Resume’

We just finished reading Idaho Freedom Foundation President Wayne Hoffman article “2018 campaign for governor starts now” and tried to figure out why his first comments were about Congressman Labrador. The Congressman is not even a declared candidate for governor so why would you put him in a poll with the declared candidates? The IFF […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Grocery Tax Repeal Vetoed: Governor Says, Screw the Taxpayers

Otter says the money you would save by repealing the grocery tax is imaginary. Next time you buy groceries for your family take out your imaginary money and think about the Governor living it up on his ranch catering to his crony friends who get all the tax breaks. Otter, like so many other career […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom Gem State Patriot TV News

VIDEO: Bob Neugebauer testifies in favor of repealing the sales tax on groceries

Bob Neugebauer (AKA “Tea Party Bob”) testifies in favor of H 67a, the repeal of the sales tax on groceries. You can read his testimony here.

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Testimony for a Hearing on Elimination of Grocery Tax

I have been fighting for four years to eliminate this horribly regressive grocery tax on the citizens of Idaho. Let me start off by saying that none of the members of this committee look malnourished, but there are many people in Idaho who are, and it may not be just because of the grocery tax, […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Senate Moves to Restrict Idahoans’ Constitutional Choice of Medical Care

The Senate State Affairs committee today voted to restrict your choice in medical care by approving SB 1182 regarding amending section 16-1627, of Idaho code, to revise a provision regarding treatment by prayer through spiritual means. Here is a link to read the bill. The five senators who voted to bring this bill to the […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Get Government out of Healthcare and ‘Put the People Back in Charge’

The solution to fixing healthcare in America is not going to be solved by having insurance companies cross state lines because even if we did allow them to cross, what assurance is there that costs would come down and choices would increase? You would also have to standardize rules across the board so that rules […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Healthcare Starts with the Individual, not in the Legislature

Solving our healthcare problem is not going to happen in one fell swoop as the problem did not just start with Obamacare; it has been festering a long time and part of the problem is thinking that everyone is entitled to have healthcare. We just proved with Obamacare that this will eventually bankrupt the country. […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Senator Hagedorn Knows Best about Article V Convention?

In a 5 to 4 vote, Idaho’s Senate panel voted in favor of an Article V constitutional Convention. There were 25 participants who testified before the panel but to no avail, as Senator Hagedorn, the leader of this Rat Pack, said all of his opponents are misinformed, claiming he met with national experts (He never […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Sucking off the Government Teat

In a recent article written by Dustin Hurst of the Idaho Reporter, he talked about J. Kirk Sullivan a member of the PERSI Board who lives in Scottsdale, Arizona and how he has spent over $14,000 of our taxpayer money for travel expenses. Mind you this money comes out of the State Employees Retirement Fund. […]

Gem State Patriot News