Bob's Words of Wisdom

Understand the Enemy and Have a Game Plan

Free speech is slowly becoming a thing of the past: as government agencies, mega media and high-tech companies like Google and Facebook do all that they can to stifle our First Amendment rights. Let’s get down to the nitty gritty on the reasons why we are dealing with this problem and how much of it […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Freedom of Lie

The freedom of speech is dead. It has been for a while. If you doubt this, try saying something that is against the progressive woke narrative. The woke social justice Brown Shirts will mercilessly attack you, your employment, your business, and your neighbors with the goal of canceling you, driving you from the public square […]

John Livingston

The Covid “Boogey Man”

There has been a relentless and very personal attack on Dr. Ryan Cole over the past six months because of his differing scientific opinions regarding Covid-19 mitigation strategies and government policies. Dr. Cole has made a very considered and well-constructed argument supporting his positions. His professional credentials are impeccable. An Air Force Academy graduate, graduate […]


Trump’s Executive Order for Colleges – How Idaho is affected

Trump’s executive order will directly affect Boise State University in a punitive manner. Former Boise State President Bob Kustra’s stated goal was to transform Boise State into a “metropolitan research university of distinction” shortly after his 2003 arrival. Transforming Boise State came at the cost of having undergraduate students as their primary customer; this meant […]


Leftists slowly turning off the faucet of free speech

— Published with Permission of — The majority of my fellow black friends, family, and associates are low-info voters. They look at me in stunned disbelief when I tell them that every negative thing they believe about conservatives/Republicans is true of leftist/Democrats. For example: leftists say conservatives are intolerant. In reality, leftists are the […]


David vs. Goliath: New Social Media Site ONEWAY Takes On the Giants

— Published with Permission of — In the world of social media, Facebook and Twitter are the twin Goliaths. They dominate the social media market. They also systematically censor posts and use manipulative tactics to influence the ways users think, interact with each other, and even vote in elections. But now, thanks to a […]


Social Media Purge of Conservatives and Christians Sparks Outcry

— Published with Permission of — With social media giants becoming increasingly hostile to anyone who disagrees with statist and globalist ideology, a growing chorus of voices is sounding the alarm. Christians, conservatives, libertarians, patriots, and more have all been purged from key platforms. On Capitol Hill and across America, outrage over the politically motivated […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Riverside Hotel Caves to Leftist Threats, Cancels IFF Event

Losing our Freedom of Speech A few days ago, the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) was forced to change the venue for their dinner because of threats or pressure from the left to the Riverside Hotel management, presumably about their guest speaker Charles Murray. Governor Otter keeps telling us that we are the reddest of the […]


Critics Slam Congress for Creating an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth’

— Published with permission from The New — Under the guise of countering foreign “propaganda,” the GOP-controlled Congress quietly passed a bill last week that will unleash even more government propaganda on humanity, while at the same time establishing what critics blasted as an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.” The “bipartisan” but flatly unconstitutional scheme, […]


Company Some Label ‘Fakebook’ Vows to Censor ‘Fake’ News

— Published with permission from The New — Will it be just a clamp-down on what’s fake or an unfair shake? That’s the question now that social-media behemoth Facebook has vowed to combat “fake news.” As Business Insider reports, “Facebook is going to start fact-checking, labeling, and burying fake news and hoaxes in its […]


Over 50 Nonprofits Demand Congress Act to Protect Free Speech as Deadline Looms

— Published with permission from the Tax Revolution Institute — Washington, DC — On October 1, the congressional deadline to prevent the IRS from trampling over the free-speech rights of nonprofits will expire, and more than four dozen organizations from across the country have now banded together to demand that Congress take action. In early […]

Gem State Patriot News