John Livingston News

ED (Electile Dysfunction)

I hesitate to approach this very sensitive subject. After watching the Olympics—I actually stopped watching after the second night and being surprised by many of the commercials dealing with ED, foot fungus, feminine hygiene, sleep disorders, drug addictions, chronic pain, ankylosing spondylitis, and rheumatoid arthritis, I believe I am on good grounds in discussing the […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

TeaPartyBob: Why Idaho is turning left

Comments by TeaPartyBob on this morning’s Kevin Miller Show 580KIDOam, 107.5fm Good morning, Kevin: Sorry to say, I totally disagree with you and John on letting this election go without a full and complete forensic investigation into voter fraud. Without an investigation, it sends a message to the opposition that we don’t care and it […]


Electoral College Certification Process was Unconstitutional

It was a sad day in America on January 6-7, 2021 when President of the Senate Mike Pence and a majority of Congress used an unconstitutional process to “confirm” the results of a fraudulent, corrupt election in favor of candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, thus denying U.S. citizens our Article IV, Section 4 constitutional […]


Why was Trump’s Speech Censored?

President Trump’s December 23 speech about the fraudulent General Election was censored by the mainstream media. Fortunately, the speech can still be viewed above or at this link. (Content begins at the 1:30 mark.) Citizens’ testimony during state legislature hearings and in signed affidavits provides this evidence of massive voter and election fraud: Poll […]


The Theft of a Nation

While we worry about making a living and how our children are being educated we are taking our eyes off the real problem as our country is being changed into something it was never meant to be. Trump is the first president I can remember who has actually kept all of the campaign promises he […]

John Livingston News

Big Decisions and Little Decisions

Go to any sporting event and you hear fans shouting at the referees or umpires about “bad calls”. People who played sports know that it isn’t the calls that are made that most influence the outcome of a game, but the calls that aren’t made. The strike on the outside corner of the plate in […]


Ballot Recounts and Audits Do Not Reverse Voter Fraud – What are Possible Solutions?

I commend the many county clerks and other election officials who lawfully and competently conducted this year’s very complicated General Election. I do not believe fraud occurred in my county. Unfortunately, however, fraudulent activities at the county precinct or “voting station” level were perpetrated or sanctioned by other counties’ (and states’) voters and election officials. […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Complacency is the Road to Socialism

I have been voting since I was 21 trying to play my part in this Republic we call America and have been reasonably satisfied with the results up until this year when we have seen criminal activity take place in our election process. We are watching an election of the president of this United States […]

John Livingston News

It’s Not Who Votes That Counts, It’s Who Counts The Votes!

Who said, “voting does not matter….counting votes does”?—Joseph Stalin. It seems that the emphasis on so many contested elections has been on the process of counting votes. Certainly, in this day and age, the ability for ballots to be manipulated is of great concern to those who want to protect the election process. Technology can […]


The Democrats’ Goal Is Election Chaos

— Published with Permission of — Conservative observers of the post-Election Day chaos in Florida, Georgia and elsewhere must understand that the mess is not due to incompetence. It is part of a larger, long-term plan that has been executed by Democrats to move as many elections as possible into what our friend election […]


It’s About the Voter Fraud, Stupid!

It turns out James Carville was wrong. It’s not “about the economy, stupid.” President Trump has created the greatest booming economy since Reagan. But this past election wasn’t “about the economy, stupid.” “It’s about the voter fraud, stupid.” As Stalin once said, what matters is who counts the votes. Since election night Democrats have had one hell […]


Foreign Group Interferes in Midterm Elections

Who’s helping Democrats steal elections? Is it Russia, or is it Mexico? Actually, it doesn’t even matter. Even if no foreign power is helping, elections are being stolen by the worst foreign group of all—liberals. They are “foreign” to everything true American patriots believe in—American exceptionalism, patriotism, capitalism, Judeo-Christian values and perhaps most importantly, election integrity. It’s […]

Gem State Patriot News