
POLL: Who do you support in Idaho’s 1st Congressional District Race?

Idaho’s Primary Election will take place on May 15, 2018. Which of these Republican candidates do you support in Idaho’s 1st Congressional District Race? Your options are “Russ Fulcher,” “David Leroy,” “Luke Malek,” “Christy Perry,” “Michael Snyder,” “Nick Henderson,” “Other / Undecided.” If you select “Other / Undecided,” please leave a comment letting us know […]


Tony Wisniewski announces his candidacy for Idaho House, Seat 3B

Tony Wisniewski has announced his candidacy for the Idaho House of Representatives, District 3 Seat B. A resident of Post Falls for over twenty years, Tony brings valuable experience and knowledge to the issues facing Idahoans. Tony believes education should focus on raising up strong citizens who are ready to start their careers with the […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Another Way of Spelling RINO is MALEK

The following is a short quiz to help you determine whether a particular candidate for Idaho’s First Congressional District is a “true” Republican or a Democrat in disguise (usually referred to as a “RINO” or “Republican In Name Only.) Would a Republican or Democrat vote for the state exchange and be the only Republican state […]


The Danger of Campaign Finance Reform

Beware those “good government” liberals seeking to fix election laws. Because what they are really after is restricting, and even criminalizing political activity, to better control the outcomes. You may have noticed a big wave of concern at the Statehouse over the past year on the need to “reform” our ethics and campaign finance laws. […]


Complacency 101

The League of Women Voters of Pocatello, Idaho, have sponsored an essay competition for all students enrolled in Idaho public schools grades 9 through 12 to write an essay on “Climate Change”. Interesting topic for students to ponder and a great moment to advance important precepts of a well-rounded education by teaching students how to […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Will the Real Conservatives Please Stand Up

Last night was a special night at the Center on the Park in Meridian because Idahoans got an opportunity to meet nine of Idaho’s most conservative legislators. These are the public servants who have taken the time out of their lives to stand up for the people against the establishment and if you missed their […]


Idaho Fish & Game Evolving To Corporatism

In 2007 the Western Governors Association (WGA) created the policy Resolution 07-01, Protecting Wildlife Migration Corridors and Crucial Wildlife Habitat in the West” which has since been scrubbed from their website. The purpose was “to strengthen the protection of wildlife migration corridors and crucial wildlife habitat in the west.” Subsequently, in 2008, the Wildlife Corridors […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Urban Renewal is a Blight on our Wallets

Urban renewal is typically portrayed in a positive manner. After all, who doesn’t want to eliminate run-down areas of our municipalities? Even though urban renewal sounds like a great idea, it requires much more scrutiny than it has been given by the citizens of Canyon County. Urban renewal first became a reality in Idaho in […]


Representative Government in Idaho Is Broken

Submission to Gem State Patriot: September 30, 2017 Evalyn Bennett, 6 East Ute Road, Salmon, Idaho 83467 (208) 756-3974 Publisher’s Note: This article reprints the author’s previously published commentary in the Post Register. Those commentary excerpts from the August 12, September 2, and September 16, 2017 editions of the Post Register are noted in quotation […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

In Meridian, Developers get the Gold Mine, Property Owners get the Shaft

Why is anyone surprised about the increased taxes for Meridian? Last year we were screaming from the rooftops about the problems with the West Ada School district—the fact that it is way too big and money is badly allocated. The facts are that every time we turn around, there is another school that they want […]


Idaho and Western Water Wars

It’s all about who will control the water and subsequently the land. After over one hundred years of settling the west, the water wars of yesteryear are once again alive and well. What has changed is who and how the water fight is being played out 100 years later and what the end goals are […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

One More Regulation – Fewer Jobs for Idahoans

Sometimes I just have to shake my head and ask the question; how did we elect so many dumb people to our legislature? In a recent article published by The Idaho Business Review, Democratic Rep. Ilana Rubel wrote an op-ed on Idaho’s non-compete law and how bad it is for startup businesses and hiring talented […]

Gem State Patriot News