
Preserving Idaho’s Conservative Heritage

Idaho is fortunate to have some solid conservative legislators serving in our state capitol, but they are in need of a helping hand to prevent Idaho from slipping off the foundation of our American Heritage.

Due in large part to the exodus of conservatives from states suffering social and economic deterioration thanks to serial mismanagement by misguided leftists, Idaho is now experiencing record growth. Fifty years ago, California was the place to be. People flocked from the eastern seaboard to the shores of the Pacific. Life was good, they say. Not anymore.

Californians are headed to the Gem State by the thousands. District 14, which includes Eagle, Star, North Meridian, and a sliver of Boise, has become home to many of them. Some people are concerned that these newly relocated residents will turn Idaho into another California, but every one of them with whom I have had the pleasure to sit and chat wants Idaho to reject the ‘California way’ and hold fast to what they see as the America they once knew and desperately desire to recover.

As a builder, I know how to create something that lasts. With a degree in accounting, I understand numbers, finance, and budgets. As a husband and father, I know life is for giving and living. Hard work and scrupulous honesty are my standards, and I will bring these skills and principles to the Idaho Senate.

Christ Troupis Book

I am no stranger to the hard work of battling oversized government. I have been politically active at the state and local level through citizen advocacy to the legislature. I have served as the elected Chairman of the Valley County Planning and Zoning Commission. I was elected to serve as the First Congressional District Vice Chairman of the Idaho Republican Party. I have been endorsed by current and former legislators, upstanding community members, and successful business owners.

I am proud to say I was a Trump supporter from the onset of the presidential election season, and I was honored to be selected as an Alternate Delegate for the Donald J. Trump for President Campaign at the Republican National Convention. I want to see our president and his agenda succeed!

Idaho’s legislature must serve as a stronghold for preserving the American spirit and our Republic. The 2018 Republican Primary is an opportunity to strengthen solid conservative values, whether we have resided in Idaho for generations, decades, or just a few months.

As Senator for District 14, I will work to preserve the conservative Idaho we all know and love and to keep her as a shining example of what America was meant to be!

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