
Only Informed Voters can “Drain the Swamp”

Let me tell you a story about two men. These two men are like two peas in a pod in some ways and like night and day in others. Both men have a desire for the restoration of the United States of America for the good of our citizens. Restoration to man “one” means the […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Tea Party Bob’s Take on the State of the Union

In Retrospect, this was probably one of the most momentous State of the Union speeches ever given by a President, and I say that because we have never had such a dichotomy of radical forces within our country in modern times. We have also never been more prosperous as a nation in terms of our […]


Trump Challenge: “Tear Down that Wall!”

I was going to write a column about the wall. It’s certainly the biggest issue in America. But I can end that debate quickly. President Trump should issue a simple challenge: “My fellow Democrats, I have a challenge for you. TEAR DOWN THAT WALL. I will end my demand for the wall today. But only […]


Landmark bill protecting endangered salmon signed into law

— Published with Permission of — The bipartisan Endangered Salmon Predation Prevention Act was signed into law by President Donald J. Trump on December 27th, 2018. This law should be fully celebrated as a win for conservation! The goal of the bill is to ensure the survival of endangered salmon, steelhead, and other native fish species […]


Trump Is Right to Withdraw From Syria

It can’t be America’s purpose to indefinitely forestall every plausible misfortune that may or may not bedevil this troubled region. — Published with Permission of — President Trump has ordered a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria. This is the right decision. The U.S. military presence in Syria has not been authorized by Congress, […]


15 Things You Should Know about the 2018 Partial Government Shutdown

Because the spending bill requires a filibuster-proof majority to pass in the Senate, Republicans need several Democrats to support the funding proposal that includes border wall funding. — Published with Permission of — 1. What just happened? On Friday, the federal government entered a partial shutdown after the Senate failed to pass a spending […]


The Art of the Wall Deal

There is a wall deal to be done. If Democrats actually loved America and actually cared about the safety of our children, it could get done. But it’s clear, they don’t. A deal is there for the taking. Before there was President Trump, there was deal-maker extraordinaire Trump. That Trump wrote, “The Art of the Deal.” […]


Trump Says Shutdown Will Last ‘Until We Have a Wall’

— Published with Permission of — Speaking to reporters at the Oval Office on Christmas Day, during the fourth day of the government shutdown, President Trump, when asked when the government would reopen, said, “I can’t tell you when the government’s going to be open. I can tell you it’s not going to be […]


The Crime OF Being Trump

— Published with Permission of — Melania Trump failed to earn the media’s sympathy for her declaration that she is the world’s most bullied person, wrote Nationally Certified School Psychologist Izzy Kalman in an article for Psychology Today. And rightfully so, said Kalman. That dubious distinction goes to her husband. Kalman is right, but […]


Trump gets all the Christmas gifts this year — the Deep State and Mueller get the coal

— Published with Permission of — Trump continues to win in every way and so does America, so snap out of any fear for Trump and our country. Don’t ever forget that truth does prevail, especially when God is at the helm. Mueller and his team have given Trump a generous supply of gifts […]


Trump navigates the New World Order

— Published with Permission of — President Trump accuses his enemies of McCarthyism. But anti-communist Senator Joe McCarthy had many of the same enemies Trump has. And McCarthy’s fate may teach Trump a lesson. Not one to embrace the “New World Order” of the late former President George H.W. Bush, Donald J. Trump has […]


EXCLUSIVE Video Interview: Jerome Corsi, Latest Target of Mueller’s Trump-Russia Witch Hunt, Strikes Back!

— Published with Permission of — Investigative journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi, best-selling author of Killing the Deep State and 20 other books, is currently a top target of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia “investigation,” which President Trump and other critics have properly called a witch hunt. Dr. Corsi now goes further. Today his attorneys, including Larry […]

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