John Livingston

Informed by Faith

As political campaigns evolve and mature, as the factions become hardened and the number of people who will determine the election becomes a smaller fraction of the electorate—who could possibly be in the middle or undecided at this point in time in our country(?)—the words of my mother who ran many political Statewide election campaigns […]

John Livingston

Deepity or Just “BS”

I received an e-mail last week that used the term “deepity” that refers to statements that seem profound at first glance, but upon deeper examination, they are only marginally true. Apparently, the word was first used by Professor Daniel Dennett at a conference of atheists and progressive humanists in 2009. Many atheists have subsequently maintained […]

John Livingston

In God’s Image

Abortion is a difficult subject to talk about because almost every single adult living in the United States either knows of a family member or a close friend who has had an abortion. One in four women in the United States will have had an abortion by the time they have reached menopause. Since Roe […]

John Livingston

We are a Christian People

Why is it that almost every year as if on cue a legion of pollsters comes out during the Easter season to inform us that church attendance is way down and that our society is becoming less religious? Gallup published such a poll yesterday 4 days prior to Good Friday. Only 21 percent of Christians […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Why are Christians Under Fire? What Changed?

This Sunday, I was listening to my pastor’s sermon and thought to myself, why is it that we are dealing daily with attacks on Christianity, and I decided to do some research to find out why this is happening. According to a PEW survey, Church attendance has been down substantially over the last 30 years […]

Opinions / Op-eds

A New Faith

Pretty much everything in the Bible provides guidance on how to live one’s life. In the never ending movement to usurp control over all aspects of life, the United Nations (UN) is now working on capturing control over religious institutions. Most large religious institutions have adopted the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Reasons to Celebrate CHRISTMAS

Without a doubt, Christmas is the happiest time of the year. With every package placed under the tree children look forward to Christmas with greater anticipation. Families and friends look forward to a great meal and fellowship around the table. People who ordinarily would not listen to anything you might care to share often are […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Crazy Times!

Knowing The Time We Are Living In Do you ever go to bed at night and think that the world is nuts? Do you ever wonder why this is happening? The Bible has hundreds of prophecies that foretell future events, and many people are opening up the Bible to get answers. Jesus fulfilled at least […]

John Livingston

Abraham Lincoln Loved God

I just finished a book of Abraham Lincoln’s speeches. So much has been written about Mr. Lincoln and much of the opining has been done with very little understanding of the man and his times. I once listened to a talking head on a morning TV show state that Lincoln really wasn’t an abolitionist! I […]

John Livingston

Happy Fourth! Patriotism and the Church

In his book THE FOUR LOVES, one of the topics C. S. Lewis addresses is patriotism—a timely topic this Fourth of July weekend. He states that there are three pillars that form the foundation for “proper patriotism”: Love of Home and Family Gratitude and respect for the sacrifices of those who came before us. Vigilance […]

Opinions / Op-eds

An Open Letter to Magic Valley Shepherds

Woke radicals are coming for our families, our children, our churches, our freedoms, and our country. And they’re backed by major corporations, big tech and big media, and every department and agency within our government. Whether the Church will be found complicit, complacent, or courageous against these attacks depends on its shepherds doing the following: […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Enemies Within the Church

There is a new documentary out, Enemies Within The Church, which documents the decline of evangelical Christianity and the rise of liberalism within the church. Every Christian who is concerned about liberty needs to watch this film and share it with your friends. The film makes the point that the modern church has neglected any […]

Gem State Patriot News