Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Complacency is the Road to Socialism

I have been voting since I was 21 trying to play my part in this Republic we call America and have been reasonably satisfied with the results up until this year when we have seen criminal activity take place in our election process. We are watching an election of the president of this United States […]

John Livingston News

Sleepy Joe and Aaron Burr

I am flattered that I have received so many e-mails regarding my article last week about HOMICIDE OR SUICIDE pointing out that the margin of victory for Joe Biden in 4 key States was less than the votes received by the libertarian candidates in those States. There is no question in my mind that significant […]

John Livingston News

It’s Not Who Votes That Counts, It’s Who Counts The Votes!

Who said, “voting does not matter….counting votes does”?—Joseph Stalin. It seems that the emphasis on so many contested elections has been on the process of counting votes. Certainly, in this day and age, the ability for ballots to be manipulated is of great concern to those who want to protect the election process. Technology can […]

John Livingston News

Family, Faith, and Politics

As the post-election out briefs and political autopsies begin following the presidential election of Nov. 3rd, there is one finding that neither side can refute: This most recent Presidential election has revealed an America drifting apart. We are living as the Wall Street Journal describes in a world of “blue and red bubbles” Democrats live in […]

John Livingston News

Affection and Respect

Jason Whitlock is a giant in the field of sports broadcasting. Because he is a Black Man with a conservative point of view, he was fired from Fox Sports. He has now become the head of his own broadcasting company and is more successful than ever. Last night in an interview on his former employer’s […]


Fear or Freedom, it’s Your Choice

As politicians head for the courts, freedom-loving Americans are wondering just what happened with this election. Well folks, I will tell you that the final hand has been played in this poker game and, while we know that the democrats cheated, the problem is how are we going to prove it and deal with rectifying […]

John Livingston News

Trump 2020 – 2024

I am writing this missive on post- Election Day 3. As I was driving down State Street today, a lady saw my Trump hat and pointing to it said, “pray.” “Always,” I responded. The stock market is up 1,000 points not because “Hiden Joe” looks to have won, but because it looks like for the […]

John Livingston News

President Trump Has Done a Magnificent Job Managing the Pandemic

There has been much discussion about the infectivity, virulence, morbidity and mortality of the Covid virus and unfortunately the discussion by the media and the progressive democrats has driven a false narrative that is purely politically motivated. Today we are told that yesterday there are 88,000 new Covid cases and 1000 new deaths. WE aren’t […]

John Livingston News

Drain the Swamp

In today’s Wall Street Journal Admiral William McRaven—the former head of the Navy Seals endorsed Joe Biden for President, Like John McCain, Colin Powell, and other warrior politicians that have come before him, the good Admiral’s service should be respected, but the attempt to leverage and then insert their service into a public policy or […]

John Livingston News

A Toast to Donald Trump

President Donald Trump has condemned racism, white supremacy, bigotry, sexism, “and all and any forms of hatred” more than any other President in history. And anyone who desires can prove it. Like Abraham Lincoln and unlike most modern day politicians President Trump renounced all forms of hatred before he ever entered into politics. Unlike Lincoln, […]

John Livingston News

The Eye of the Beholder

My Quaker Grandmother always advised us to remember that every person you see and know as you go through the day is secretly carrying an unknown cross and you have no idea what that burden may be, The crosses we bare come from the individual experiences in our lives and can be shaped from experiences in […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Great Covid Robbery

I’m not quite sure why anyone thought that this virus was about anything but money. The U.S. government has distributed well over two trillion dollars during this so-called emergency and the states and medical establishment have sucked it up faster than a dry sponge at a car wash. As Rahm Emanuel once said, “You never […]

Gem State Patriot News