
Lincoln Day Dinner – Hope for the Future & Why Trump Lost

Patriotism is alive and Well in Council Idaho: I had the good fortune to be able to attend the annual Lincoln day Dinner in Council this past Saturday and to sit at a table with Congressman Fulcher and former Constitutional Attorney Christ Troupis. This was one of the most encouraging gatherings I have attended in […]

John Livingston News

Noise and stuff and Stinky Fish

Humans can hear sound in the frequency range of 20 – 20,000 Hz vibrations per minute. There are, of course, sounds above and below the levels that we can hear. Radio frequencies are between 20 kHz – 30 GHz — much higher vibrations. Like listening to the radio, oftentimes adjacent frequencies can blur the frequencies […]

John Livingston News

Our Duty to Compete

Since the November 3rd election, the left has become increasingly more afraid of Donald Trump. If the “fake media” reports were correct, we have come to the end of the Trump era in American politics and we are moving forward into the “Post Constitutional” era of governance. But here is what people like Nancy Pelosi […]

John Livingston News

Fake News is the “Second Team”

Thanks to our great President Donald Trump, the fake news media networks have been exposed as the scandalmongers and pamphleteers they really are. Since the beginning of our country, the press has looked upon the freedom they enjoy under the first amendment as a license to instigate and advocate partisan positions. This is exactly the […]


An Insurrection Occurred, but It Was NOT Incited by Trump

Make no mistake. An insurrection occurred in our country. But it was not incited by President Trump. In fact, he warned that it was coming and signed Executive Order 13848 to declare a state of emergency and seek to prevent an insurrection assisted by foreign governments. The insurrectionists’ strategy was a heist of the 2020 […]

John Livingston News

Buffoon Moment of Real Time Disconnect

Since Nov. 3rd I have spent little time watching the media repeat their various narratives about the Political Covid-19 Agenda, their dismissive and uninquisitive reporting on the election fraud, or now Impeachment 2, 0. Nothing new. No original thinking by the press or on Fox or MSNBC or anywhere else. Talking points from the White […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

President Trump Acquitted 57 – 43

Well, folks, the phony impeachment trial by the democrats has failed to convict President Trump of Incitement of Insurrection. Just like the phony charges of dealing with the Russians were proven to be nothing but lies made up by the deep state. If you spent any time listening to the arguments in the senate, it […]


Trump’s Written Defense Reveals His Accusers Violated the Constitution

Donald J. Trump’s written defense reveals his accusers in the House, and any Senators who vote to convict him of the Article of Impeachment passed by the House, are in violation of at least seven distinct provisions of the U.S. Constitution. (See All material quoted below is from Donald J. Trump’s written defense unless […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Phony Impeachment, States Need to Push Back

Comments by TeaPartyBob on this morning’s Kevin Miller Show on KIDO Talk Radio – 107.5 FM & 580 AM Good morning Kevin: I would just like to mention that the Gem State Patriot has opened up its website to accept donations for the families of the three national guardsmen who perished in the helicopter crash. […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Biden-Harris Administration Wage Jihad on Preborn Babies

Special Report to the Gem State Patriot As of this writing, Mr. Biden has occupied the Oval Office for something like ten days. And already it is crystal clear that this Administration bears a furious hostility toward preborn babies and the pro-Life movement. Even before he assumed office, Mr. Biden’s Inaugural Committee helped raise money […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Thank You, President Trump!

President Trump’s historic 1st term is now in the books. You may not hear it on the mainstream news, but President Trump had hundreds of POLICY VICTORIES. Here are just a few: Trump’s TAX CUTS AND JOBS ACT turbocharged our economy and put more money in the pockets of American families. No other modern-day president has worked harder […]

John Livingston News

About Numbers and Polls

I have spent a lot of time this past week thinking about polls. Reputable pollsters always report their methods and techniques and disclose any problems that they see in their own methodologies. But unlike the results that we see in scientific and engineering journals, our ability to authenticate the results of the poll and redo […]

Gem State Patriot News