Opinions / Op-eds

Governor Little, Please Stop the Torture of our Elderly

Dear Governor Little, I’m speaking on behalf of my elderly mom, age 88 as well as all of the elderly that are suffering the consequences of the Covid-19 responses. We are months beyond “flattening the curve” and now the focus is “positive cases”. The extreme measures taken whenever these “positive” cases are reported are destroying […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Does Brad Little’s Tenure make him Non-Debatable?

Reprinted with permission of the Idaho Freedom Foundation There’s a certain amount of hubris that Gov. Brad Little’s campaign team had to muster up in order to issue the decree that the governor’s tenure is “non-debatable.” After all, that wasn’t some off-the-cuff remark that was released last week when Little bowed out of any debate […]

John Livingston

Red State, Blue State, Brown State

Thanks to Donald Trump politics in our country have been turned inside out and upside down. The Republican Party nat,ionwide that once was the pawn of large companies and intimately connected to the “corporate industrial complex” is now the party of blue-collar patriotic Americans. Our military that was once respected and honored and apolitical, has […]

John Livingston

Capitulation is not Progress

Brad Little is a good man. He loves his family and many of his corps values I share. He is Pro-Life and Pro-Gun. But he is not a conservative. He is Pro Big Government. He is a Mitt Romney opportunist, but like many RINOs in our State he is afraid to take off the camouflage […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Requiem for a Conservative State

This past week, Ammon Bundy, a candidate for governor of Idaho, was arrested and is now being subjected to a total of 10-days in jail (with no bail option) and a $3,000 fine. This is how the competition gets rid of a threat to the corrupted establishment run by IACI, Governor Doolittle and his den […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The New Normal?

As we all try to venture back to a normal life after two years of our government instilling fear into every man, women and child on the planet we should have learned many important lesions. The first lesion is don’t trust anything your government officials tell you until you have proof they are telling the […]

John Livingston

“Self Interest” vs “Selfish Interest”

There is a difference between “self-interest” and “selfish interest”. The difference can be found in the word “selfness”. Today we are watching captains of industry, leaders in academia, our Ecclesiastical leaders in The Church(s), and special interest corporate lobbyists like IACI/IMA/IHA, and the CofC proceed in their own “selfish” interests. Does IACI now control our […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

State of Idaho v. Ammon Bundy

This story begins on Mar 13th 2020 when Governor Little put the State of Idaho under emergency order. In my opinion he only used this power to get federal money and arbitrary authority. Idaho at the time only had one COVID case according to the governor’s official website. I began looking at what other states […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Workforce Housing HB701

On Friday, March 4, 2022, the Idaho House narrowly passed House Bill 701, the Idaho Workforce Housing Fund, sponsored by Rep. Blanksma. Under this bill the legislature would allocate monies to a trust fund within the state treasury, which according to this article, would be administered by the Idaho Housing and Finance Association (IHFA). “IHFA […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Liberal Trojan Horses set to Turn Idaho Blue

Why is it that even the most conservative of people like Kevin Miller use Facebook?  Don’t they realize that they are aiding and abetting the enemy who is trying to take away our freedom of speech?  The story about Facebook coming to Idaho was first broken by Kevin Miller host of 580KIDO radio.  The […]

John Livingston

Where’s the Beef?

Every night I read the EYE ON BOISE review post edited by award winning journalist Betsy Russell. I am amazed at how many bills are brought up before legislative committees that remind me of the famous Wendy’s add from the early 80’s. A little old lady gets a burger from a drive in and bites […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Voices of Warning – The Hour Is Late!

In 1995 Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Moody Church Pastor for over 30 years, wrote a book entitled Hitler’s Cross which was an in-depth look into the tyrannical takeover of the church in Germany by Adolph Hitler. Lutzer describes Germany in the 1930’s and what happens when evil meets a silent, shrinking church, and is an intriguing […]

Gem State Patriot News