
Workers Are People, Not Mice

The world is a bit hysterical these days, there is a palatable fear about the virus and public health. But we must be careful to prevent fear from destroying freedom. People should not be forced into medical decisions they are not comfortable with—especially in an experimental setting. The Declaration of Independence states “…all Men are […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Vaccination or Termination

This vaccine controversy is going to become even more heated as time goes on but let’s look at what is happening with the number of adverse events that have taken place since December of last year. Every Friday, The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) makes public all vaccine injury reports. Data released July 9, […]

John Livingston

Who has “SKIN IN MY GAME”?

When did employers, or government agencies become doctors? In Idaho with the changes that were made in the Professional Practices Act and the Medical Practice Act during several legislative sessions in the early two thousands is the answer. It used to be that only doctors could prescribe medicine or procedures or order a radiologic test. […]

John Livingston News Opinions / Op-eds

Government Corruption vs Free Markets

The article below my article was the headline in today’s Idaho Statesman. It was taken down at 12:00pm. Can you guess why? Economics is the study of the allocation of scarce resources that have alternative uses. Today in our country we are seeing the various forms of resource allocation being played out as the lines […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself

I would like to remind people that the 1968 flu pandemic killed an estimated one million people worldwide. The flu is not Ebola; it is a disease we have lived with for many years. The flu virus was first isolated in 1933, but it is estimated that the flu has been around for 500 years. […]


Vaccine Truths

Immunizations continue to be at the forefront in federal government programs and in states that create legislation with mandates for vaccine compliance. Each state has vaccination requirements for children entering kindergarten, including Idaho, with some states requiring more vaccines than others. While all school immunization laws grant vaccine exemptions for medical reasons, many states are […]


To Vax or not to Vax, that is the Question

Vaccine Hesitancy In its never-ending United Nations (UN) quest to have control over healthcare in the world, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has now embarked on a new agenda to address “vaccine hesitancy”, their new term for those who are anti-vaccination. They are targeting parents whom they think fail to properly vaccinate their children. […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

House Speaker Scott Bedke Says he is ‘Pro-herd Immunity’

We were alerted to a recent healthcare conference attended by several legislators including Speaker Bedke, Maryanne Jordan (D-Boise) and Rep. Rod Furniss (R-Rigby). After reading their comments on the validity of vaccines, I’m appalled at the lack of real understanding they all have and the fact that these are leaders of our state. Maybe Speaker […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Right to Choose what is Injected in our Bodies

Most people know little about vaccines or how they work in our bodies, but it is important to know that while vaccines can be lifesaving they can also be killers. Most of us take for granted what our physicians tell us and we accept their words as fact but this is not a good thing […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Is this an Orwellian Nightmare?

In a recent article of Natural News, it is reported that Adam Schiff, a leftist, democratic leader from California, has sent letters to both Mark Zuckerberg, Chief Executive of Facebook, and to the head of Google asking them to implement a campaign that would impede the free flow of information on vaccines that did not […]

Gem State Patriot News