John Livingston

Truth and Facts Will Win The Day — Eventually

There is a common thread that runs through the thinking of liberals when it comes to issues as disparate as sexual harassment and Covid vaccinations. Neither deductive nor inductive constructs in logic underpin their arguments. The ideas of “due process” and the “scientific method” require a discipline in thinking and subsequent actions based on those principles […]

John Livingston News

Truth and Facts Will Win The Day—Eventually

There is a common thread that runs through the thinking of liberals when it comes to issues as disparate as sexual harassment and Covid vaccinations. Neither deductive nor inductive constructs in logic underpin their arguments. The ideas of “due process” and the “scientific method” require a discipline in thinking and subsequent actions based on those principles […]

John Livingston

Who has “SKIN IN MY GAME”?

When did employers, or government agencies become doctors? In Idaho with the changes that were made in the Professional Practices Act and the Medical Practice Act during several legislative sessions in the early two thousands is the answer. It used to be that only doctors could prescribe medicine or procedures or order a radiologic test. […]

Gem State Patriot News