John Livingston News

Affection and Respect

Jason Whitlock is a giant in the field of sports broadcasting. Because he is a Black Man with a conservative point of view, he was fired from Fox Sports. He has now become the head of his own broadcasting company and is more successful than ever. Last night in an interview on his former employer’s […]


Democrat Party – Still the Party of Racism

Systemic Racism is Very Real – But It Is Not What the Left Says It Is The Democrat party did not suddenly metamorphize from being the party of racists to a party of black salvation. They simply changed their tactics. The Democrat party was the party of slavery. When that failed it became the party […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

‘American Sheeple’ — The Fleecing of America

While there are many conspiracy theories popping up these days in relation to the covid19 crisis I think the real problem is how the American people have reacted like a bunch of sheeple following federal and state government orders to shut the country down. I do believe that there are sinister forces at work that […]


The American Crisis – March 2020

For some time, I have wondered where to begin when it comes to understanding what is going on or at least what ought to be going on. Ultimately, it comes down to returning to the foundation of government-what the proper role of government is and what it is not. The foundation was laid over 200 […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Our country is at a crossroads

The Book of Revelations describes a “war in Heaven,” wherein “the dragon was cast out,” and has waged war for the souls of God’s children since that time. For those of us who accept the Bible as God’s word, we recognize the battle between good and evil; that because of God and Jesus Christ we […]

John Livingston News

From Natural Law to Liberty to Capitalism

Over the past 20 years, much of the defense of liberty has centered on its empiric success, rather than on the morality of economic and political systems whose very foundations rest on concepts of liberty. The people who we traditionally have looked to when discussing issues of political philosophy and morality have withdrawn from the […]

John Livingston News

Our Moral Divide and the Natural Law

Our American people are more divided today by moral philosophy and politics than they have been at any other time including the civil war. Both sides of the political spectrum know what they believe, but cares little about what those who differ from them believe. Furthermore, few on either side understand why they believe what […]

John Livingston News

President’s Day

Rabbi Meir Soloveichik has suggested in several of his writings that when Abraham Lincoln referred to The American People as “the almost chosen People” in his second inaugural address in 1865, he gave us both an insight into the values that guided his political philosophy, but he also was giving us a warning. A warning […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

The Initiative Process Furthers the Progressive Goal of Direct Democracy

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” It may not have been Winston Churchill who said it, but that does not make it any less accurate. We have received myriad warnings against democracy from John Adams’ observation that “There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide” […]


The Democratic Party’s History of Anarchy: Part 4

Whether it was the Southern Democrats donning the white hoods to intimidate minorities and enforce Jim Crow laws or turning a blind eye on union violence, the Democratic Party has not been shy about embracing violence to get what they want. In the 1960’s, the majority of the Democratic Party’s leadership were still determined to […]


The Democratic Party’s History of Anarchy: 1962-present

CENSORSHIP, INTIMIDATION, AND VIOLENCE Today’s Democrats have not changed their willingness to use censorship; intimidation and violence to silence a foe, the only thang that has changed are the targets. They moved from African-Americans (supposedly) over to Christians, males, whites, heterosexuals and conservatives. “Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get from […]


The Democratic Party’s History of Anarchy: 1800-1918

Slavery is the Greatest Blessing for Master and Slave “I want Cuba, I want Tamaulipas, Potosi, and one or two other Mexican States; and I want them all for the same reason – for the planting and spreading of slavery.” – Senator Albert Gallatin Brown of Mississippi. Following 1800 election, the issue of slavery would […]

Gem State Patriot News