John Livingston

Mr. Burke and Mr. Lincoln

The Progressive wing of the Democratic Party continues its’ unrelenting march of divisiveness. Placing individuals into categories and competing factions has been the modus operandi of Saul Alinsky sycophants since the early 1960’s. They purposefully and thoughtfully create conflicts instead of trying to create harmony. Marxist theory requires class warfare. The oppressed vs the oppressor. […]

John Livingston

Abraham Lincoln Loved God

I just finished a book of Abraham Lincoln’s speeches. So much has been written about Mr. Lincoln and much of the opining has been done with very little understanding of the man and his times. I once listened to a talking head on a morning TV show state that Lincoln really wasn’t an abolitionist! I […]

John Livingston

Work and Rail Splitting

Abraham Lincoln attended formal school it has been estimated, for about four months. He was a self-educated man. From the time his stepmother taught him to read when he was a young child, he read everything he could get his hands on. Plato, Aristotle, The Stoics, Shakespeare but most of all The Bible. Lincoln’s moral […]

John Livingston News

President’s Day

Rabbi Meir Soloveichik has suggested in several of his writings that when Abraham Lincoln referred to The American People as “the almost chosen People” in his second inaugural address in 1865, he gave us both an insight into the values that guided his political philosophy, but he also was giving us a warning. A warning […]

John Livingston News

It’s Just Politics as Usual

So few people today in our country have an appreciation of our own national history. Watching the news out of Washington can only be depressing. Everything is viewed through the lens of politics. Even the basic sciences have become politicized. Medical research, global warming, public health, have all been compromised by the funneling of political […]

Gem State Patriot News