Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Time for Rep. Kelley Packer to Pack her Baggage and Find a Real Job

Why is it that we have so few truly conservative candidates running for office in this reddest of the red states? When we look at the list for Lieutenant Governor, I have to cringe, bow my head, and pray that the bad ones don’t get elected. Let’s examine Representative Kelley Packer a three-term member of […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Will the Real Tommy Ahlquist Please Stand Up?

When we first received this letter in our inbox, my first reaction was shock and awe, but then I remembered it was sent out before Tommy Ahlquist had made up his mind which party to run for. The fact that Mr. Ahlquist had to decide which party to run for is in itself very disturbing […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Doctor – Builder – Governor?

A New Direction for Idaho? Maybe. We had an opportunity this past Friday to meet with Tom Ahlquist’s campaign manager David Johnson to discuss some of his candidate’s positions. I have to admit I was impressed that he had any number of decent answers to our questions, although without much detail. The broad strokes looked […]


Candidate for Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin on the Good Old Boys

Candidate for Idaho Lt. Governor, Janice McGeachin, from Idaho Falls spoke to the most devout true Republicans in the party at the May 20th Benewah Republican Liberty Caucus annual dinner in St. Maries. McGeachin served five consecutive terms as a State Representative from 2002 to 2012. The first four years she served on the Revenue […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Russ Fulcher Pulls out of Gubernatorial Race – Declares for 1st CD

The Bad The Good & The Ugly: The Bad news Russell Fulcher, the only true conservative candidate in the race for governor, has decided to discontinue his run. The Good news is that he has decided to run for Congressman for the first congressional district. The Ugly – We understand from reputable sources that our […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe… Who Will be Our Next Governor?

(Click to play) Monday, I spoke with Raul Labrador on the Kevin Miller Show 580KIDO and asked him point blank why he didn’t endorse Russ Fulcher until the last week before the primary election in 2014. Unfortunately, I never got a straight answer even after telling him he did not give me an answer to […]


If Trump and GOP Were Attached to a Murder, What Would Media Say?

Our country has become a Banana Republic. Anything minor Trump does is leaked (a crime), taken out of context, hyped through the roof, and then turned into hysterical headlines by the media. The media turns an ordinary conversation by Trump (that every president has) into the biggest news story of the year. But if Democrats […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Was this the Plan for Labrador All Along? What You Don’t Know about 2014

Congressman Labrador said on a local radio show that he decided to run for governor because he wanted to, not because the political bosses asked him. He said he is in control, not the political bosses. That is a very interesting statement since we believe it was Congressman Labrador who was responsible for the citizens […]


Hillary Clinton – My Favorite Excuses (Parody)

(Sung to the tune of “My Favorite Things”) Scroll down to see the music video! This poem (Hillary Clinton – My Favorite Excuses) is republished here with permission and attribution to author Tony Olson. About the Author: Tony Olson is an American journalist, poet, and bestselling author. His book SPIN GAME: Exposing Political Lies and Tactics […]


Was Trump Right About Voter Fraud?

  The Left may regret taunting President Trump on the issue of voter fraud. If he makes good on his vow to launch an investigation, it could be a deathblow to the Democrat party. An extensive investigation will likely substantiate his claim of 3-plus million illegal votes. In fact, Trump’s claim may actually be low. […]


Why the Irrelevant Left and the Sorrys on the Right Might Get ‘Drained’

The Democrat Party is now irrelevant. The far left socialist crazies that have totally hijacked the once proud Democrat Party are so at loss for any meaningful purpose-in-being after the wretched Obama years of destruction that they are now proven to be absolutely baseless and devoid of any justifiable positions going forward due to their […]


Introducing President Trump

In a few short days, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. Yes, Donald Trump… the bombastic, politically incorrect, pompous underdog of the 2016 election. You know… the guy who didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning according to the mainstream media. So, how did […]

Gem State Patriot News