News Opinions / Op-eds

GOP Governor Candidate, Ed Humphreys, Calls on Governor to Place Moratorium on Refugee Resettlement

(Eagle, Idaho) Ed Humphreys, Republican candidate for Idaho Governor, called on the Governor to put a moratorium in place on refugee resettlement until Idahoan’s housing needs are met. “We have law enforcement officers, teachers, and nurses who can’t afford housing. We must place a moratorium on refugee resettlement until our state can keep up with […]

John Livingston News

Just a Dream

The rumor mill is running full steam ahead in anticipation of the many deals that will be made at the Governor’s Cup in Sun Valley. Allegedly overheard in my dream by a colleague of mine in the steam room at the Downtown “Y” was a conversation about how naive the “Trumpers” are in our State […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Attack has begun What will you do?

Not long ago I wrote about a new radio program on KIDO radio on Saturday mornings featuring two of my favorite RINOs, Tom “Common Core” Luna and Victor Miller. Unfortunately, I was right about this show it is a sham to promote any and all RINOs who will be running for office in next year’s […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Vaccination or Termination

This vaccine controversy is going to become even more heated as time goes on but let’s look at what is happening with the number of adverse events that have taken place since December of last year. Every Friday, The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) makes public all vaccine injury reports. Data released July 9, […]


WGA Is Forcing Healthcare Change

Part of the Western Governors Association (WGA) new Western Prosperity Roundtable (WPR) platform is to completely reorient how one receives care for their health. Webinars were previously released on WPRs agenda for education and workforce training, and now the video on Improving Health Care Access in the West is available. In reality the primary goal […]


Governor Little Should Have “Let the People Go”

Last week while Governor Little was out of state, Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin, acting as Governor in Little’s absence, signed an executive order that prevented cities, local school boards, and other local government authorities from mandating masks. Upon his return, Little immediately rescinded McGeachin’s executive order. Now local governments can once again mandate masks. Little […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

McGeachin Fires a Shot Heard Round the State

Janice McGeachin showed what she is made of by signing an executive order forbidding the state, municipalities, and public schools from requiring masks while Governor Little was attending a republican conference in Tennessee. Governor Little never ordered a mask mandate for the state but there were many dictatorial types Like Mayor McLean of Boise who […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Will Conservatives Shoot Themselves in the Foot Again?

As the conservative candidates line up for Idaho’s gubernatorial primary I have to think back to the 2014 primary election when Otter beat out Fulcher by less than 8% of the vote and eventually won a third term. That was the year that Labrador said he was going to run and held up Fulcher’s campaign […]

John Livingston News

Here We Come

Mark Twain once opined that “it’s not the things that I don’t know that worry me, but rather the things that I know to be true that aren’t true that worry me”. We should be very careful about being certain or evoking “settled science” into any debate. There are two points that need to be […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Governor Little knows how to pull the wool over Idaho’s eyes

The reason we have legislatures is to represent the people. Unfortunately, we see total disregard for ours by our governor with the veto of SB 135 and SB 1136, which passed both chambers with overwhelming support. These bills would have limited governor Littles’s emergency powers to no more 60 days. The bills also stated that […]


LIFE BRIEF: Governor Little Signs Down Syndrome Legislation into Law

Idaho Governor Brad Little signed HB302 into law this week. This is the most important pro-Life bill enacted this session. It will require the Department of Health & Welfare to include information on Down Syndrome in the Informed Consent booklet. This booklet gives information to women considering an abortion. It already includes data about a […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

House of Representatives Not Funding Certain Bills

A recent newspaper op-ed criticized the Idaho Republican-led State House of Representatives, claiming they were seeking to destroy the State Constitution by not allowing several bills to proceed. The author of that op-ed criticized the House, accusing them of not funding the police, not funding education, and jeopardizing some other legislation friendly to the environment. […]

Gem State Patriot News