Opinions / Op-eds

AI Toys

By its own admission the World Economic Forum (WEF) is conceding that AI (artificial intelligence) in toys can be dangerous, not necessarily safe for children, and the shocker, “AI decisions can be wrong”. As if anyone would trust what the WEF recommends, it has created a rather useless guideline on AI toys and what parents […]


“The Real Anthony Fauci”

Below you will find a link to the movie based on Robert Kennedy’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. If you want to know the truth about Covid, you need to watch this movie which has been banned just about everywhere. The makers of this movie released it on October 18, 2022, online for free, because […]

John Livingston

Old Soldiers

One of the hardest aspects about retiring, I still hope to volunteer and hope to do mission work, is accepting the fact that I am increasingly becoming professionally less relevant. In some ways, this has crossed over into my personal life. Last Mother’s Day my granddaughter and I approached the maitre d at The River […]

John Livingston

Moral Distress and the Corruption of Power

Andrew Jameton in his book published in 1984 Nursing Practice: The Medical Issues, described the conflict that nurses experience during medical dilemmas. “Moral distress arises when one knows the right thing to do, but institutional constraints make it nearly impossible to pursue the right course of action”. These words were written forty-eight years prior to […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Political Science Fuzzy Math and Too Many Lies

There was a time that we could actually trust what our government officials told us but that time has long passed and this Covid virus has pushed the American people to the precipice of not believing anything government tells us. Not only can we not trust the government but we cannot trust the press to […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

A Note of Thanksgiving — This Year’s Turkeys

I would like to give special thanks to some of the people who have been on my mind as of late. First and foremost, I want to thank our President for his climate change program and the huge increase it has caused in the price we pay for fuel for our homes and cars. I […]

Gem State Patriot News