
Dark Parallels in History – The Evolution of the USSA & the Unnecessary Death of LaVoy Finicum

PART I The U.S. Gov’t is at war with the American people. Their chief weapon: intimidation. Assisting the government are your foggy-headed, indoctrinated neighbors and co-workers who in essence police each other through shunning those who do not conform – to a paradigm made of misinformation. Misinformation has been fed to them over two generations […]


Burns, Oregon: The Founding Fathers Would Be Proud

Compare and contrast the federal government’s reaction to the Black Lives Matter mob in Ferguson with their response to peaceful protesters in Burns, Oregon. In Ferguson the Marxist, George Soros-funded, Black Lives Matter mob were violent criminals. In my book, Red Badge, I drill deep and deliver the uncomfortable truth on race, crime and police […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Why did the Legislature leave this Huge Loophole for Insurance Exec’s?

Thank you Greg Ferch and Audrey Dutton for bringing this special privilege of non-disclosure by our major health insurance companies to the attention of the citizens of Idaho. I find it appalling that we allow this to take place as Idahoans insurance premiums continue to climb 20 to 40% a year and deductibles rise at […]


The Republican Elite Terminates Integrity in Government

The contest, throughout human history, is between those who wield power and those who are subject to it. Once again, we see the monster of power raise its naked head above those it deems to be its subjects. This time it happened within the Republican Party. The ruling elite of the Republican Party no longer […]


Green Energy; License to Kill

“Wind power is devastating populations of rare birds and bats across the world, driving some to the point of extinction.” – Clive Hambler Laced with lies and fueled by delusional dreams of a return to Shangri–La, modern environmentalists and green energy gurus are creating a crisis of epic proportions with the wholesale slaughter of birds […]


Native Tribes – Pawns of Agenda 21 – Part 2

Tribal Water Rights There have been long standing disputes regarding Tribal water rights with most court decisions upholding Tribal rights. Some of those cases are outlined in this article. However, there are a few court decisions that have determined the principle of Tribal water rights. The 1908 Supreme Court decision, Winters v United States, was […]


Idaho Chooses Life: 2016 Session Promises to be Intense

We were all horrified this past summer and fall to see news stories of Planned Parenthood doctors and officials selling the body parts and tissue of aborted babies over salad and glasses of red wine. As if the first video exposing Planned Parenthood were not enough, something like a dozen others revealed ever darker aspects […]


The Value of your Home is in Jeopardy

Idaho homeowners are now, today, facing a drop in value of our homes because of oil/gas leases granted by the State in residential subdivisions. As a career executive in the mortgage banking/insurance industry, a key part of my job was determining factors that would cause a mortgage to decline in value and then establishing rules […]


How will they vote on TPP?

(Will Raul cave like Crapo, Risch & Simpson did on TPA?) There is no way to tell how Congressman Raul Labrador will vote on the upcoming deceitful Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) bill. As one of his biggest fans, I choose to believe in him and think he totally gets it and will vote nay. We […]


The Blue Pill or The Red Pill?

“Do you want the blue pill or the red pill?” This was the question posed by Morpheus to Neo in the hit movie, The Matrix. The blue pill would leave Neo in the illusion, that is his life, — while the red pill would suspend the illusion, revealing the reality of his existence. Neo is […]


Tennessee to Consider Nullifying Executive Orders and Supreme Court Decisions

— Reprinted with Permission of — Where shall I make complaint, Fathers of the Senate, that our country is being rent asunder and is the victim of all the most reckless of men; to whom shall I appeal? Shall I turn to the Roman people, who are so corrupted by largess that they offer themselves and all […]

News Newsletter Index

Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 50

Welcome to Volume 50 of the Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot. Need a website?I can help. Stealing from Peter to pay Paul who donates to the Campaign […]

Gem State Patriot News