
The Reality of a DREAMers Nightmare

— Published with Permission of — Call me tough. Call me insensitive. Call me whatever you want, but enough already with these DREAMers. Enough. They whine, and they cry; they tug at our heart strings. They protest in the streets for their rights – their R-I-G-H-T-S. We’ve heard it all, and “Frankly my dear…” – […]


Ron Paul: Government ‘Aid’ Makes Disasters Worse

Texans affected by Hurricane Harvey, including my family and me, appreciate the outpouring of support from across the country. President Donald Trump has even pledged to donate one million dollars to relief efforts. These private donations will be much more valuable than the as much as $100 billion the federal government is expected to spend on relief and […]


Misusing Robert E. Lee

— Published with Permission of — On April 12, 1861, the day secessionists in South Carolina bombarded Ft. Sumter to fire the shots that opened the American Civil War, then-Colonel Robert E. Lee was perhaps America’s most accomplished soldier. Lee had served with distinction in the Mexican War, leading a reconnaissance patrol that discovered the […]


This Explains A Lot

— Published with Permission of — Republican National Committee Chief of Staff Sara Armstrong is leaving the party’s top staff position to become a senior official with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. In a news release Thursday, the powerful business organization announced that Armstrong had been hired as vice president for political affairs and federal […]


Interior Department giving tribes, states more sway over wildlife conservation

— Published with Permission of — “The Trump Administration is working hard with states and local communities to find solutions that are driven at the local level, rather than in Washington, D.C. As a hunter, I know the work of state wildlife agencies is absolutely critical to wildlife conservation in the United States.” — David […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Media Whores

All apologies to the hard-working street-walkers and penthouse prostitutes who, unlike the modern-media harlots and rent-boys, have no illusions and offer no excuses about what they do and why. For well over 75 years, Americans have naively trusted that the people who bring them the news every night—and today, 24/7—are highly informed, deeply sincere, remarkably […]


Democrats To Use Tribes to Bloat their Vote With Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2017

It is astonishing to learn that at least 46 Senators and 188 Congressional Representatives (all Democrats) are either unaware or completely indifferent to the reality that tribal governments have no legal duty whatsoever to the American voter. The Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2017 (S. 1419 and H.R. 2978) provide supplemental polling places for tribal […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News Opinions / Op-eds

An Open Letter on a Free Press versus Fake News

We recently published a story on Gem State Patriot News panning Betsy Russell’s article in the Spokesman Review regarding a link to a story on White Nationalism which Rep. Heather Scott shared on Facebook. We wanted to bring our readers’ attention to another story printed in the Bonner County Daily Bee which tells the true […]


John Green Announces Candidacy for Idaho Legislative District 2, Seat B

(RATHDRUM, IDAHO) – John Green, of Rathdrum, Idaho, has announced he will run for the 2018 Republican Nomination for the Idaho Legislative District 2 Seat currently held by Eric Redman (R), who will not seek reelection. “I have spent the last 34 years assisting citizens and helping them solve problems created by poorly written or […]


Scott Drexler and Eric Parker to Face Third Federal Trial

News on the third trial for Scott Drexler and Eric Parker meets us with sad realization of our government’s heavy hand and hollow heart. Scott and Eric will be tried a third time with the Bundy’s tier-one trial scheduled for October 16th in Las Vegas. Many Idaho legislators signed the attached letter with the hope […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Raul Labrador – Answering the Tough Questions

If you missed the Town Hall meeting with Raul Labrador, you missed a good one as he took a lot of questions and, unlike Tommy Ahlquist the Urban Renewal Cowboy, he actually had answers and solutions to many of the problems our current administration has failed to address. To start off, it’s nice to know […]


Synopsis of Dan Love’s criminal activities laid out in OIG report

— Published with Permission of — The subordinate told us he felt morally wrong about deleting the emails, but he did not discuss his feelings with the senior manager. He stated that he was “not going to tell a senior law enforcement [manager] no” because he felt that doing so might jeopardize his employment. He […]

Gem State Patriot News