Bob's Words of Wisdom

Guns are not the Problem – Drugs and Crime are the Problem

Idaho in a state of transition? The only thing the liberal media seems to be interested in talking about is how this shooting in Tennessee happened because of guns. Does anyone believe that this shooter was in their right mind killing these innocent people? Every year the evidence mounts that people like this do not […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Raul Labrador: Finally, an Attorney General we can Trust

Those who had an opportunity to listen to our new Attorney General Raul Labrador this past week either in person or on Idaho Freedom TV should have been impressed with the speech he made on Capital Clarity. You can hear his speech here: It has been 20 years since the people of Idaho have had […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Cronyism is alive and well in Idaho

Yes, folks Cronyism is alive and well in Idaho and while they tell you this is for the Kido’s we must wonder why Governor Little pushed so hard to get this bill passed. I would venture to say that this bill was the brainchild of Idaho’s largest lobbyists the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Why Trump in 2024?

As Manhattan AG Bragg continues with his witch hunt to indict President Trump, his supporters continue to grow. If Bragg indicts Trump, it will be the first time this has ever happened to an American president. This frivolous lawsuit looks like a “Hail Mary” attempt to harm Trump’s run for a second term in 2024. […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Why Government bailed out Silicon Valley Bank

Capitalism for the Gains, Communism for the Losses I was taught very young in my life that “A Fool and His Money are soon Parted”. Except if you live in a country with a government that protects the wealthy and taxes the poor. This was the case with the failure of the Silicon Valley Bank. […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The Lava Ridge Project is another Climate Change Boondoggle by the Feds

This is what happens when the Feds own 62% of our land. Let’s take a trip down memory lane: To start we should discuss some of the great things that the BLM and the U.S. Forest Service have done for Idaho before we talk about these turbines. Do our elected federal Senators and Representatives in […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Cooking With Gas? Maybe Not

Beware the gas police will soon be coming to your house to take you into custody and disconnect your gas stove. Yes, folks here we are living in the land of the free and the home of the brave and having the government threatening to ban the gas stove you have been cooking on for […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Profits vs Patient Outcomes

When assessing any corporation or for that matter a business entity it is important that you have an in-depth understanding of those personnel who are running it. When we look at today’s medical facilities such as large integrated hospitals, we find many times that management does not understand the problems that must be delt with […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Don’t close the Meridian Library – Change the Management

I want to give you my opinion on the Meridian Library controversy. This is not so much about the books in the library, but about which books are accessible to children. Everyone should realize that Both Boise and Meridian are in the throes of cultural change as more moderate and left-leaning citizens move into our […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Stop the Idaho Launch Program

Don’t let corporate welfare steal your tax dollars Many times, I have been asked “Why don’t you take the lead in this movement or that movement”? Well, the reason is simple it is because I have “Already been there and Done that.” I have been an activist most of my adult life fighting for different […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Does America Really Need a Constitutional Convention of States?

What is wrong with our Constitution? Absolutely Nothing! There is nothing wrong with our Constitution but there is something wrong with the people we have elected to enforce its rules. Here is an example of why our country is in deep trouble. This is a recent quote from our President ‘More than half the women […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

How did we get here? A walk-through History

Everyone seems to ask the same question “How did we get to where we are with the wokeness, Critical Race theory, gender orientation, and the general discourse with most Americans? It is almost as if we were back in the 1800s just before the Civil War. There is so much conflict in our country that […]

Gem State Patriot News