John Livingston News

The Media is the Massage—or Message?

Required reading for many college students in the 1960s was a book called “The Media is The Massage”. It was written by Marshal McLuhan who purposefully substituted the word MASSAGE for MESSAGE. The term “Message” assumes two components. The first is content which is simply information. The second component is described as the character of […]

John Livingston News

Political Football Application vs Appropriation of the Law

James Madison in Federalist 10 defines faction “as a number of people amounting to a majority or minority of the whole who are united by a common passion or emotion that is adverse to the rights of other citizens or to the aggregate interests of the community” There is almost nowhere one goes in these […]

John Livingston News

Ode to the “Great Swamp Creature”

Today is a great day for America. Nancy Pelosi has announced that the Democrats in The House of Representatives have filed Articles of Impeachment against President Trump. The slimy liberal progressives have finally crawled out from under their rocks. This is great news for conservatives. Each time the Dems try to make their case publically […]

John Livingston News

Is Luke Mayville really a Professor or a Promoter for Medicaid Expansion?

In this week’s edition of Idaho Politics Weekly Luke Mayville has written a letter thanking all his volunteers for helping pass Medicaid expansion. A pleasant gesture for sure, but to me it really points out the great chasm between progressive values and traditional classical liberal (today called conservative) philosophy. In his article Professor Mayville never […]

John Livingston News

“Medicaid Expansion” Everyone makes out Except the Taxpayer?

“Bubbles we buy with a whole soul’s tasking” Speaker of The Idaho House of Representatives Scott Bedke and the majority leadership in the Idaho House offered an editorial in Idaho Politics Weekly entitled “Medicaid Expansion is throwing thousands off their insurance”. Remember—”You can keep your doctor you can keep your plan”?—NOT. When politicians and government […]

John Livingston News

Let’s Make Idaho Great Again

On July 13th of this year, I penned an editorial published in The Gem State Patriot entitled “Where are our Legislators on Health Care?” Several other Idaho physicians have asked the same question and opined in editorial pages around the State asking similar questions. It has been obvious to many that the lobbyists in the […]

John Livingston News

Congratulations to Both Sides of the Boise State Diversity Debate

One point was made that made me reconsider a small corner of my position. Mat Erpelding, the Minority leader in the Idaho House, related a story that was interesting but not relevant to the issue. He is an Assistant Professor of Recreational Studies. When he held a similar position at Texas A&M he had 20 […]

John Livingston News

Diversity, Discrimination, and Discernment

I grew up in Ohio in the 1960s. In Ohio and Western Pennsylvania, football was and remains today a religion. I was lucky enough in the late ’60s and early ’70s to play for two state championship high school football teams and one NCAA Division 3 Championship football team. My high school team was completely […]

John Livingston News

Faceless Accusations

When my father returned from Japan after serving for 5 years during and after the Korean War, he carried with him a small book that several years earlier had been turned into a well-known Japanese play called “Rashamon” In the play 5 witnesses—including an apparition of the murdered protagonist, recount the rape and murder of […]

John Livingston News

Why Bernie Sanders it Alive and Medical Costs are so High

I was sorry to hear that Senator Bernie Sanders had an ischemic event crescendo angina or a heart attack while campaigning in Las Vegas. I was also relieved to know that he was being treated at a state of the art medical center where I know many of the physicians and surgeons that practice there. […]

John Livingston News

It’s Just Politics as Usual

So few people today in our country have an appreciation of our own national history. Watching the news out of Washington can only be depressing. Everything is viewed through the lens of politics. Even the basic sciences have become politicized. Medical research, global warming, public health, have all been compromised by the funneling of political […]

John Livingston News

Where are our Legislators on Health Care Reform?

Over the past 9 years, we have argued in many places and forums the three points that lead this article. Our opponents have argued otherwise. We are now seeing these arguments being made in the national press more frequently and forcibly because the true numbers on The ACA costs and promises are beginning to appear. […]

Gem State Patriot News