Opinions / Op-eds

AI Action Plan

Keeping to his promises, President Trump is fulfilling two Executive Orders (EO) of January 23, 2025, to develop an AI (artificial intelligence) Action Plan with a new EO. A couple of individuals who will lead this will be AI and Crypto Czar David Sacks, and Mike Waltz, National Security Advisor. Though not advertised very well […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Don’t Have Blind Faith

If there were ever a time that Americans needed to put on their critical thinking hats, that time is now, more than ever. As much as Biden is loathed for the damage he has wrought onto America, it pales in comparison to what could be coming with former president Trump. It is not a time […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Using AI in Warfare

While Israel is being condemned for its actions taken against Hamas following the October 7, 2023 attack in Israel, there are some aspects of warfare being used by Israel which most may not be aware. In February 2023, Israel announced the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to detect and classify terrorist targets which would accelerate […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Department Of Defense Playing Doctor?

U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Conceived in 2019, the Department of Defense (DOD), under its Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) Chemical and Biological Technologies Department (DTRA), developed a program called Discovery of MCMs (medical countermeasures) Against Novel Entities (DOMANE) “to rapidly identify a combination of drugs to impact the novel biological threat from multiple targets, which […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Internet of Everything

Internet of Things (IoT) is basically a world of devices connected through the internet with most people using some form of this technology. But IoT is not the end goal here, it is the Internet of Everything (IoE). Basically, that means an individual’s whole world will be centered around the internet. In this Cisco commercial, […]

John Livingston

Priority Inversion and Thrashing

Today’s article was inspired by my Pastor who knows far more about computers and IT than I could ever hope to learn. He told a story in a sermon about the algorithms that were deployed on The Mars Rover in 1997 that resulted in the delayed execution of a priority task that resulted in a […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Attorney General Labrador Urges Congress to Study AI and its Harmful Effects on Children

Boise, ID – As part of a bipartisan 54-state and territory coalition, Attorney General Raúl Labrador joined a letter urging Congress to study how artificial intelligence (AI) can and is being used to exploit children through child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and to propose legislation to protect children from those abuses.  “I encourage Congress to […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Prevent Biometric Digital IDs

Nearly a Quarter of US States Introducing Biometric Digital IDs, Many Are Republican States Published August 24, 2023 by Leo Hohmann Journalist Leo Hohmann makes the case that both Democrats and Republicans are eager to advance the digital ID/ central bank digital currency (CBDC) recipe for globalist control. He wrote, “*Digital ID + CBDC = Total […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Have You Seen This?

If not, it has probably seen you. Home Depot (HD) is a global home improvement retail corporation that was founded in 1978, having revenues in the billions. As one of the box stores allowed to stay open during the Covid event, its earnings “rose 27%” during that time. The company also owns several subsidiaries.  This […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Is Digital Identity Coming?

It seems regardless of how much opposition exists to the federal government agenda, it still just marches on. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) introduced S.884 – Improving Digital Identity Act of 2023, in March of this year, “To establish a Government-wide approach to improving digital identity.” Sen. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wy) is her partner in crime. This […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Legislature Moves Forward with The Great Reset

Senate bill 1159 was signed by Governor Little on March 30, 2023.  This bill appropriates $100 million to expand broadband access and infrastructure throughout rural Idaho that will provide internet access for Idaho citizens.  With Senate Bill 1129 it brings the total to $225 million for broadband infrastructure. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?  Everyone will be able to get on […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

How Powerful is Big Tech’s influence in our Elections?

I have been saying for years that if we put the right restrictions on big tech there would be a much different outcome in our elections. Since the advent of big tech in around 2000, it has become more difficult for pollsters to call elections as was the case in the current mid-terms. The big […]

Gem State Patriot News