Opinions / Op-eds

It’s Not A Conspiracy, Never Has Been

For years, those who have researched Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 have tried to warn everyone about the dangers it poses. At least now it is being fully exposed as the truth. America has been financially drained for decades to implement these agendas, and will continue to be raped for attaining the goals listed in […]

Opinions / Op-eds

How Can the World Economic Forum Control Us?

Idaho has been making some significant progress in advancing its status in this progressive world. Many advancements, especially by the state government, have moved Idahoans forward to meet the challenges of the 21st century. We should be proud. Several areas can be cited for this progress. Accepting federal dollars is a favorite of Governor Little, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Don’t Color Outside of The Lines

According to the Free Dictionary the term “Don’t color outside the lines” means “To think or act in a way that does not conform to set rules. Likened to the way a child might color outside the lines of a coloring book.” Lines provide structure and boundaries that creates a picture everyone can recognize. Many […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The 15-Minute Walk

As the United Nations (UN) and World Economic Forum (WEF) continue to chip away on getting people to move into cities and live in stacked, small apartments, the end goal is to limit the ability to move about freely and have full surveillance over them. Cities are being designed to provide everything one needs within a 15″ walk. […]


Corporate Propaganda & Indoctrination

The World Economic Forum (WEF), through its corporate partnerships, has a plan to indoctrinate every citizen on its Great Reset agenda. According to the WEF, we must all live sustainable lives, with equality in all aspects of life, and that as a result, life will be much better for all. What isn’t mentioned is that […]


Open Letter to Kathy & Paul Leodler

The Report of Investigation Regarding Representative Matt Shea, Washington State House of Representatives, was prepared by the Rampart Group, and conducted by Kathy & Paul Leodler, Lead Investigators. Ms. Leodler has deep ties to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other federal agencies while Mr. Leodler has ties to law enforcement, even at a global […]


Reimagining the Rural American West (Part 3 of 4)

Continuing with the second Western Governors Association (WGA) Reimagining the Rural West (RRW) workshop, held November 4 & 5 in Santa Fe, more details were revealed about the objectives to transform, not reimagine, rural communities. Up to this point, panel members are from areas or organizations where RRW objectives have been successfully implemented, the same […]


What is Climate Change Costing You? Ask Idaho Power

Idaho Power is spending millions to implement their green energy program in response to climate change. This is being done to reduce carbon dioxide. Idaho’s largest solar farm project to produce 120 megawatts of power near Rogerson (Southwest of Twin Falls) will start soon. The cost is $300 million for 300,000 solar panels (likely made […]


Carbon Dioxide and the Global Warming Hoax

Man-caused Global Warming/Climate Change being caused by excess Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is a world-wide HOAX! Global warming is a major part of the United Nation’s Agenda 21(Sustainable Development) program and plan to REDISTRIBUTE OUR WEALTH AND CONTROL ALL HUMAN ACTIVITY ON THE PLANET! $360 Billion is being spent each year to promote the […]


Take action to help restore our Republic

We are blessed to have the US Constitution where our rights come from God and the Constitution is to protect those rights. There has never been a country like the United States of America in the history of the world. The enemies of liberty and freedom are organized to destroy our Constitutional Republic planning to […]


UN’s Global Governance Agenda Poised to Become US Statute (Part 1 of 4)

This is a four-part series that examines the UN’s goal of global governance, how the Department of the Interior’s new strategy of landscape-scale mitigation is an ideal vehicle for the injection of the UN’s agenda into US policy, how the proper use of landscape-scale management differs from its politicized use, and how treaties can become […]


John Birch Society Member and Allies in Alabama Kill Local Agenda 21 Scheme

— Published with Permission of — They say “you can’t fight city hall,” and it is an even bigger battle when the issue “city hall” is pushing is really just a part of a world-government scheme. Yet, in Bayou La Batre, Alabama (shown), John Birch Society (parent organization of The New American) member Jim Marshall and […]

Gem State Patriot News