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Don’t Have Blind Faith

If there were ever a time that Americans needed to put on their critical thinking hats, that time is now, more than ever. As much as Biden is loathed for the damage he has wrought onto America, it pales in comparison to what could be coming with former president Trump. It is not a time to have blind faith in one person.

Numerous articles have been published with the announcement of Trump’s choice for vice president, J.D. Vance. While Carole Cadwalladr, and others are actively writing articles about Vance and his relationship with Silicon Valley, specifically Peter Thiel, Whitney Webb wrote an extensive, in-depth, and well-researched article about Thiel and his tech company, his involvement with both Vance and former President Trump, and raises several concerns as to what may come in a second administration. 

Founded by Thiel, Palantir Technologies develops software platforms for big data analytics. Examples of data analytics include collecting patient healthcare data, and using analytics in warfare such as in both Ukraine and Israel. As Webb mentioned, even Trump previously used Palantir for gathering data on migrants and during Covid-19. During his acceptance speech, Trump mentioned the sophistication of current weaponry and suggested building an iron dome. Palantir, already a major supplier of AI technology, may already be in discussions for such a project.

Palantir contracted with England’s National Health Service (NHS) to collect health data on all England citizens for placement into a Federated data platform. This included personal data such as a patient names, address, date of birth, health status, and treatment, which can then be queried “from different sources into a single virtual format”. This enables tracking health information on one person through every healthcare system they encounter, right down to sharing genetic information. The same type of platform has been suggested for the U.S. health care system.

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Capturing health data on everyone is typically presented in lofty terms of “health equity” and better health outcomes. This is why there is so much emphasis for access to healthcare, especially with Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) screening that captures all of a person’s data. But the truth is, the more they know about you….

Indeed, in the U.S. as mentioned by Webb, Palantir has already been collecting data for several years through the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and will continue to do so while expanding its reach. However, Biden has a jump start on Trump with a contract between the Pentagon and Palantir “to develop a data-sharing ecosystem”.

The dangerous threat here is that this corporation collects data in numerous areas for governments, then enables the sharing of it, and technocrats need data to execute their agenda. Palantir adamantly denies collecting data, but does “process data”. What? Isn’t having data needed in order to process it?

The 4th Industrial Revolution (4thIR) is the World Economic Forum (WEF) agenda and “At the centre of this broad digital transformation is data. Data is collected, created, used, processed, analysed (sic), shared, transferred, copied and stored in unprecedented ways and at an extraordinary speed and volume.” The 4thIR is intended to fundamentally “change in the way we live” and merge “the physical, digital and biological worlds”. As one author states, “governments will gain new technological powers to increase their control over populations, based on pervasive surveillance systems and the ability to control digital infrastructure.” This merging will be accomplished through data collection with the Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Everything (IOE), Internet of Bodies (IoB), Digital Public Infrastructure, Digital ID, Digital Currency, wearable devices, and the list goes on. Every human will be tied to the internet, and controlled by it.

In the World Economic Forum white paper, Federated Data Systems, it describes the intent to share health information because “we prefer to think of data as the oxygen that fuels the fire of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”. In fact, WEF has a whole plan to shape the future of healthcare.

Palantir Technologies is also a WEF member, along with contributor staff and CEO Alex Karp, who describes himself as progressive, a socialist, and an introvert. The WEF is a supporter of AI, especially related to jobs, travel, employment, and education, and created a council and governance alliance for such purposes. Palantir is a leader in AI and has a specific platform for it. Though not confirmed by the Trump camp, there is a report that Trump allies are already drafting an order to “advance military AI capabilities”.

With this influence America can easily be slipped into the technocratic world planned by the 4thIR where surveillance data on each aspect of life will be gathered to be analyzed, stored, and shared with the government. As bad and extensive as surveillance data is now on each American, it will come to the point where no one will be able to take one step without the government knowing. Thiel and his Palantir organization have already demonstrated this capability. The full management of society by technocrats can be achieved.

Not to be left behind, the United States is already working on its own federated data system. Maybe Trump will have his friend finish the job. Think about all of the data that can be initially captured on Americans who are tied to the government through government programs. A federated network for healthcare is already being proposed per the “experience” of the WEF.

Perhaps it is that America is being forced into this world by other countries who are advancing the agenda. For every advancement they make the U.S. has to counter it, or be left vulnerable. It is becoming more apparent that nobody will escape from this technocratic world.

At this point it is only speculation that this is the path Trump would take if elected. There is nothing to suggest that he will engage America in this trajectory of data surveillance. However, every American should be vigilant. If he chooses to do so, how should Americans respond, and will it be offset by other actions he takes that benefit America?

Regardless of choice in candidates, the advancement of a world where freedom is taken marches forward. There has never been greater violation of the 4th Amendment. As popular as Trump is, don’t have blind faith in him, it could be that he is as much of a threat as Kamala Harris.

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3 replies on “Don’t Have Blind Faith”

I don’t believe in “blind faith.” I’ll just compare the accomplishments of Trump and Harris.

Thanks Karen, always a bright inquisitive article. Neither of the apparent Presidential candidates are choice beef, but there is no question that there has been a long line of, I’ll call “untilectuals” operating our colleges and universities since the 1950’s. It maybe too late to correct the impending colapse of the U.S. and only Trump can save this country. Harris will surrender it when our enemies come for us. Two bad I am too old to put back on my uniform.

IF EVER YOU’VE WONDERED HOW AMERICA’S ENDED UP WITH SUCH DEPLORABLY CHOICES FOR HER CIVIL LEADERS, look no further than Article 6’s Christian test ban whereby mandatory biblical qualifications were likewise eliminated. Once adopted, it was inevitable that America would be ruled by nothing but nincompoops, scoundrels, incompetents, immoral reprobates, and outright criminals. That should sound all too familiar.

Take nincompoops, for example. Exodus 18:21’s qualifications begin with the fear of Yahweh. Kings David and Solomon point out the fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Thus, without the fear of Yahweh, you end up with, at best, nincompoops as your alleged leaders.

The best you can ever get from the Constitutional Republic’s unbiblical election system is the lessers of two evils. Sometimes, the worst of the worst. And always, the evil of two lessers. So are you dizzy or are you waking up to the fact that you’ve been played like a fiddle?

Round and round and round and round again (incessantly) goes the Constitutional Republic’s election merry-go-round, providing both species of Crocodiles (disguised as Donkeys and Elephants) their turn at the helm.

And the only direction it travels is round and round and round and round again (incessantly). It never changes and yet, tragically, every two and four years Americans clamor for their alleged voting rights to elect another nincompoop, scoundrel, incompetent, immoral reprobate, or outright criminal to rule over them.

230-plus years of the Constitutional Republic’s elections has proven that regardless whether a Donkey or an Elephant gets elected, America has only advanced further down her suicidal trek to the precipice.

Time to get off the Constitutional Republic’s biblically egregious election carousel.

God has better plan! The Bible’s election system provides the best of the best of two or more biblically qualified candidates, every single time.

For more, see blog article “Constitutional Elections: Dining at the ‘Devil’s Table,'” at

For how the Bible’s election system operates, see blog article “Salvation by Election” at Don’t be fooled by the title.

For more regarding Article 6’s Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at

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