Opinions / Op-eds

Legislature Moves Forward with The Great Reset

Senate bill 1159 was signed by Governor Little on March 30, 2023.  This bill appropriates $100 million to expand broadband access and infrastructure throughout rural Idaho that will provide internet access for Idaho citizens.  With Senate Bill 1129 it brings the total to $225 million for broadband infrastructure.

Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?  Everyone will be able to get on the internet if they can afford it, especially those in more rural areas whose access has been more difficult. 

This is nothing more than a great step to further the implementation of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Great Reset agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.  Internet access is at the core of the WEF 4th Industrial Revolution (4tIR).  The internet will be used for “connectivity“, the connections between all devices from appliances in homes, one’s activity via smart phones, use of energy, all of it being called the Internet of Things (IoT) that “will power the Fourth Industrial Revolution”.  And having internet access plays into the much desired central bank digital currency.  All that data just being stored in a cloud, waiting to be accessed by those who can use it for a variety of reasons.

Getting everyone on the internet is a huge WEF goal, it is the means by which data will be collected on all activity for tracking, and then used as a control mechanism.  One bad behavior and access to all life necessities can be cut off.  Once all Idahoans are on the internet a digital ID will serve the purpose of identifying everyone.  Don’t have one?  Can’t access what is needed.  Having a Chinese style social credit scoring system is now one step closer in Idaho.

Christ Troupis Book

The dilemma is that the world is gradually being forced into an online world for banking, financial purchases and payments, school, work, vaccine status, health records, and other activities.  By not bringing internet access to those in rural areas, the ability to manage these activities becomes increasingly difficult.  But this points out the control issue.  By not participating in the internet scheme, the ability to participate in life narrows.  This will only expand with time.  How many legislators understand this? 

Rather than acquiescing to this, should Idaho legislators be looking more at how this can be realized without the attached control mechanisms?  Maybe restricting its use for all online banking thereby protecting Idahoans from digital control over their money.  Or maybe drafting a law that cash must be accepted as payment at businesses so purchases can’t be tracked.  Give everyone internet access but put in protections that guard against potential future harm to Idahoans that are coming.  So many more options could be considered.

To those in the legislature who voted Aye on SB 1159, you just pushed Idaho further into the abyss. (Allgood, Berch, Blanksma, Bundy, Burns, Cannon, Cheatum, Chew, Clow, Cornilles, Dixon(24), Durrant, Ehardt, Ehlers, Erickson, Furniss, Galaviz, Gannon, Garner, Green, Handy, Healey, Hill, Horman, Lanting, Manwaring, Mathias, McCann, Mickelsen, Miller, Nash, Necochea, Nelsen, Petzke, Pickett, Raybould, Raymond, Roberts, Rubel, Sauter, Vander Woude, Weber, Wheeler, Wroten, Yamamoto, Mr. Speaker; Anthon, Bernt, Bjerke, Burtenshaw, Cook, Den Hartog, Grow, Guthrie, Harris, Hartgen, Just, Lakey, Lee, Lent, Rabe, Ricks, Ruchti, Schroeder, Taylor, VanOrden, Ward-Engelking, Winder, Wintrow)

As for those who voted Nay, thank you, at least you are aware of how this bill can potentially put more Idahoans in danger.  (Andrus, Barbieri, Boyle, Crane(12), Crane(13), Dixon(1), Gallagher, Hawkins, Holtzclaw, Kingsley, Lambert, Mendive, Mitchell, Monks, Palmer, Price, Redman, Scott, Shepherd, Skaug, Tanner, Wisniewski, Young; Adams, Carlson, Foreman, Hart, Herndon, Lenney, Nichols, Okuniewicz, Trakel, Zuiderveld)

As for Governor Little, no comment, as he knows he is part of this scheme.

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