Opinions / Op-eds

Using AI in Warfare

While Israel is being condemned for its actions taken against Hamas following the October 7, 2023 attack in Israel, there are some aspects of warfare being used by Israel which most may not be aware. In February 2023, Israel announced the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to detect and classify terrorist targets which would accelerate […]

John Livingston

Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin

There seems to be lot of hateful words and language coming from the political progressive left lately. People supporting Hamas and Hezbollah are using words like fascist and racist when they address those who oppose their false allegations of Jewish-Israeli Apartheid. Their understanding of ancient and modern history is a result of a generation not […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Jews Blessed America

Setting History Straight! It has been unbelievable and disheartening to see the Anti-Semitic demonstrations against Israel and the Jews across the world and particularly in America. At the time of the American Revolution, there were at least five synagogues in the colonies and most of the Jews were patriots supporting the revolution. Why would they […]

John Livingston

Hate Never Wins

When political narratives are void of a moral context, and when arguments are made in support or against a person or an individual based not on logic but on race, ethnicity or religious affiliation, the diagnosis and the therapeutic antidote are oftentimes lost in the process. Ambiguity and moral equivalency are the mother’s milk of […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The Barbarians are at the Gate

We should all pray for the people of Israel. For many years I’ve talked about the cultural revolution that started in the 1960s affecting just about all of our learning institutions, corporate board rooms, and professional sports. It took 60 years to lay the groundwork for these changes, and we are now witnessing the fundamental […]

Opinions / Op-eds

We must all stand for life, for peace, for civilization

Like you, we watched the events in Israel over the past week with sadness and horror. Such demonic barbarity is a reminder of the fallen nature of mankind and the absolute necessity of resolute strength in a dangerous world. Unfortunately, the last three years of national leadership has been the opposite of strength. The Biden […]

John Livingston

Pray for Israel

I had an interesting conversation this week with a man that I respect very much. He has been a successful businessman and has been the benefactor of many Christian Churches and the Boise Rescue Mission. He is a man of faith and deep grounded moral beliefs. He offered the opinion that he would love to […]

John Livingston


Golda Meir was the fourth Prime Minister of Israel and served from 1969 until the end of the Yam Kippur War in 1973. Taking the Israeli Defense Forces by surprise, Egyptian troops invaded deep into the Israeli held Sinai Peninsula, while Syria struggled to throw occupying Israeli troops out of the Golan Heights. Israel counter […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Understanding The Conflict

We are hearing a revised history not based on fact. Anti-Semitic sentiment has infiltrated many American churches, both Mainline Protestant and Catholic, with leakage starting to seep into Evangelical churches too … allegedly as part of promoting “social justice,” “anti-racism,” and (lately) “decolonization.” That last one is just a fancy word for ethnic cleansing, aimed […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Israelis and Palestinians, Their Origins

The current conflict between Israel and Palestine (or Hamas) prompted several conversations I have had. Rather than who’s right and who’s wrong, the crux of the discussions revolves around the origins of these two people. Both sides claim that the tiny piece of land is the land of their origin. But, both claims cannot be […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

The Israeli–Palestinian Conflict

As we have witnessed countless times, Tel Aviv once again recently came under attack by the Palestinians. Some Americans stand with Israel, the only free country in the Middle East, and a staunch American ally. Others have a different view. They accuse the small nation of Israel, surrounded by real and potential enemies, of being […]


The United States Withdraws From UNESCO

— Published with Permission of — It looks like the United States is taking another step towards distancing itself from the United Nations. On October 12, the State Department announced that the U.S. would withdraw from the United Nations Educational, Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In a press release, they cited “U.S. concerns with mounting arrears at […]

Gem State Patriot News