Opinions / Op-eds

Internet of Everything

Internet of Things (IoT) is basically a world of devices connected through the internet with most people using some form of this technology. But IoT is not the end goal here, it is the Internet of Everything (IoE). Basically, that means an individual’s whole world will be centered around the internet.

In this Cisco commercial, it becomes clear that every human will be reduced to a helpless blob if ever the decision were made to cut off the internet. How many decisions will technology make for a person’s daily life? Will a person even know how to function without being told by a machine? Is this really how anyone would want to live?

No one seems to identify just who has ultimate control over the internet, or who has the power and authority to shut it down. Is it the corporate world that owns the servers, the United Nations (UN), the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the Federal Communications Commission regulators? And who owns and controls the data that is generated on the internet? Think about how much data is collected, stored, and shared each time that smart phone is tapped, and what would happen if IoE were taken down.

Tyler Back briefly describes how IoE works. When he talks about “decentralizing” and creating a unified system, he is talking about tying together all data into one platform such as the Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI), giving full access, and control, to your information.

Christ Troupis Book


One of the ways information can be controlled is through central bank digital currency (CBDC). Here is the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) General Manger, Agustín Carstens, describing how CBDC is for the purpose of control; the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Deputy Managing Director Bo LI, explaining how CBDC can be programmed and utilized; and Minneapolis Federal Reserve President, Neel Kashkari, confirming every transaction can be monitored. The World Economic Forum (WEF) itself states “Over 98% of the global economy’s central banks are researching, experimenting, piloting or deploying central bank digital currency (CBDC)…”.

IoE is already being used in China with the social credit score God, demeaning human integrity by demonstrating good behavior for scoring points. These Chinese seem to like it and see it as good that the nonconformists are punished. Given the abundance of bad behavior today, maybe it isn’t such a bad idea. And what about that vaccine or digital health certificate that will support the Internet of Bodies (IoB)? It helps explain why the government is after our health care information. All that information the doctor stores in your electronic health record will be part of IoE. 

IoE is a WEF dream to realize its Great Reset ambitions. At some point, if everyone continues to comply, we will be engulfed by this system with little chance of escaping.

It is time that everyone quits pointing to the problem and start acting on solutions. For IoT and IoE, go back to just a plain phone, and don’t buy a smart appliance or use QR codes. Use cash, don’t pay bills online, and leave that central bank for a local bank or credit union. All of this means giving up convenience, but is less painful than giving up all freedom. IoE does mean everything…what you eat, what you buy, what you watch, what you read, where you go…and the ability to do any of it will be under control of the IoE. 

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