Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Let’s Talk Turkey on Taxes

First, I would like to chime in on some of your comments about the legislature and how they do a lot of talking but when it comes to cutting their bloated budgets and reducing taxes, they are nothing but a flock of lame ducks. Let’s be honest; most of them have yet to prove themselves […]


Vote NO on the Canyon County Jail Bond

After three rejected bond attempts for a new jail, Canyon County Commissioners Tom Dale and Pam White are once again pursuing a fourth bond for a new jail to be located on the county-owned Notus property. Commissioners Dale and White decided to spend $250,000 for the DLR group to develop a proposal for a new […]


Mother America…the Shabby Shepherd

It occurred to me in a lightbulb moment, that my taxes over fifty years of income earning have been re-directed first to two segments of America: 1) 568 tribal governments representing less than 1 million Americans; and 2) 11 million+ illegal immigrants. Taxpayers (Givers) don’t even get a thank-you note for annually funding these Takers. […]


The Seeds of Slavery

We see the wanton destruction of national sovereignty around the globe. American borders are failing by inaction by our legislators and lack of will by the citizens. “How does this happen?” we ask. We have not arrived at this stage without a deliberate plan being enacted for a long period of time. But why could […]


The nightmare of taxing carbon dioxide

— Published with Permission of — A lot has been written about the proposed carbon dioxide tax bill introduced in the US House by republican Representative Carlos Curbelo. Many writers have pointed out that it is expensive, pointless and has no chance of passage in the present Congress. It is an election year gimmick at best. […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Thank You President Trump

From the Editorial Board of Gem State Patriot News While 350 newspapers around the globe are writing fake news articles about President Trump, we would like to thank him for the many good things he has done to turn around our country from eight years of oppression by former president Obama. Since taking office, President […]


Democrats and RINOs Driving 2018 Omnibus Spending

— Published with Permission of — If you thought electing a Republican majority in Congress would usher in an era of fiscal responsibility, think again. While the tax cuts championed by President Trump have so far kept revenue at record levels – even with lower tax rates – Congressional spending is skyrocketing, in large measure, […]


Fixing the GOP Tax Cut Plan

In my last column, I told you all the problems I’ve found in the GOP tax cut plan. It’s the first tax cut plan in my lifetime that I’m not excited about. The GOP is making a big mistake—unless big changes are made. But I remain hopeful those changes are on the way. President Trump […]


Revoke the NFL’s Antitrust Exemption

— Published with Permission of — Ever wonder why the price of NFL football game individual and season tickets are so prohibitively expensive, as well as the high price of official NFL gear sold on the internet or in sporting goods stores? Ever wonder why the NFL has gotten away with not disclosing the dangers […]


We the People Do Better

Recently, I have been reading and hearing a lot about groups like the Cajun Navy, which rescued hundreds of people during Hurricane Harvey. The organization formed spontaneously in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and is stimulating a new and much-needed conversation. When you compare the voluntary provision of important public services by the “Cajun Navies” […]


There Is No Tyranny Without the Tax Money to Fund It

There is a lingering sentiment throughout the country that the American people are not being represented by their government. Most who identify with this feeling are able to recognize that the system is broken in some way but may not be able to pinpoint exactly how or why it is failing them. Dan Johnson, executive […]


Taxed Enough Already? Idaho’s Tax Climate is the worst in the Region

Idaho enjoys a reputation as a ‘conservative’ state due primarily to the Republican supermajority in the state legislature, but despite the commonality of the belief, the reality is far different. Yes, Idaho has less restrictive gun laws than many other states (even though there are still several problems to be resolved), but when it comes […]

Gem State Patriot News