John Livingston News

On the Pope and Capitalism

I have been asked to comment on Pope Francis’ latest encyclical letter, FRATELLI TUTTI, or Brothers All. Before starting, let me say that I am a lay Catholic. I have not reviewed my thoughts with a priest or a bishop of my church. I have not received formal training as a catechist or as an […]


What it means to be a Christian

This paper is intended to be a discussion about what being a Christian is. The discussion is centered on three important ideas about Jesus in the Gospel of John Three Important Ideas in John 1. The Son Idea – The Son as Son, and insofar as he is Son, does not come forth in any […]


Do We Christians Still Believe in God’s Word?

As a Christian do you believe that God alone is the only One who truly knows what is good and what is evil because He Himself exists as the eternal, unchanging Good, Truth, Love, Peace and Justice? Do you trust your Creator? Are you willing to submit your will to His will? Are you daily […]

John Livingston News

Do You Believe in Miracles?

This is as good a time as any for me to address some concerns I have about the new mainstream narrative that goes something like this: “We are a divided country and we need a President that will unite us and bring us together” Does our President—in fact, all our military and legislators and government […]


A Quick Look at Theology

What is Theology? Theology embraces all things in heaven and on earth, the natural as well as the supernatural. Primarily it thoughtfully considers the supreme and most simple unity, the divine nature, and secondarily all other things, so far as they are taken up into a union with God so intimate that, according to the […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Our country is at a crossroads

The Book of Revelations describes a “war in Heaven,” wherein “the dragon was cast out,” and has waged war for the souls of God’s children since that time. For those of us who accept the Bible as God’s word, we recognize the battle between good and evil; that because of God and Jesus Christ we […]

John Livingston News

‘The Road to Coronavirus Hell Was Paved By Evangelicals’

So writes Katherine Stewart in an editorial in today’s New York Times “The Road To Coronavirus Hell Was Paved By Evangelicals”. So writes Katherine Stewart in an editorial in today’s New York Times. At best, Ms. Stewart is only flaunting her ignorance of the Western World’s march to modernity. At the worst, she is a […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Is America at a Crossroads with Christianity?

Many of our churches are struggling to survive with waning membership We don’t hear enough about how we can change things through the power of prayer. I know in my life it has been the one thing that has helped me get through many bad times in my childhood and as an adult. My fear […]


The Incarnation / Christmas

“For while all things were in quiet silence and the night was in the midst of her course, your almighty word leap down from heaven from your royal throne.” This passage, from the eighteenth chapter of the Book of Wisdom, brimming with mystery of the Incarnation, is wonderfully expressive of the infinite stillness that hovered […]


A Classical Education Primer

What exactly is a “classical Christian school?” Most people hearing this description today would have little idea what it means. The term “classical” refers to a very specific set of education principles, but many people today might dismiss the term “classical” in this context as synonymous with a “traditional” or “ordinary” Christian school. Classical education was indeed […]


Canadian Couple Denied Adoption Because They Oppose Homosexuality

— Published with Permission of — An evangelical Christian couple in Alberta, Canada, has taken the provincial government to court, charging that they were denied the right to adopt a child because of their conviction that homosexual behavior is a sin. As reported by Canada’s National Post, the unnamed couple said that they had initially […]


Liberal Media Vilifies Senator Sheryl Nuxoll for Non-Participation During Hindu Prayer

ENOUGH WITH POLITICAL CORRECTNESS Liberal Media at it again attacking the conservative members of our Idaho legislature. Betsy Russell and several other liberal writers have put out some scathing articles, which could only have been written by true progressives, vilifying Senator Sheryl Nuxoll for not attending the reading of a prayer by a Hindu priest […]

Gem State Patriot News