John Livingston

Our Souls in Purgatory

“AS soon as the coin in the coffer rings, The souls in purgatory spring” Fr. Johann Tetzel We are today living in a political “purgatory”. Fr. Tetzel was a primary antagonist to Martin Luther during the reformation and legend has it that the words above helped precipitate the Ninety-Five Thesis of Luther—probably not true. We […]

John Livingston

Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin

There seems to be lot of hateful words and language coming from the political progressive left lately. People supporting Hamas and Hezbollah are using words like fascist and racist when they address those who oppose their false allegations of Jewish-Israeli Apartheid. Their understanding of ancient and modern history is a result of a generation not […]

Opinions / Op-eds

A New Faith

Pretty much everything in the Bible provides guidance on how to live one’s life. In the never ending movement to usurp control over all aspects of life, the United Nations (UN) is now working on capturing control over religious institutions. Most large religious institutions have adopted the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This […]

John Livingston

Has The Church Lost Its Way?

The conservative Catholic Bishop from Tyler Texas Fr. Joseph Strickland, an outspoken critic of the current Pope was removed last week from his ecclesiastical responsibilities by Pope Francis. According to the National Catholic Reporter, Strickland’s use of social media, his anti-vaccine message during the Covid-19 pseudo faux pandemic, his calling out of President Joe Biden […]

John Livingston

Reverence My Sanctuary

My family and I belonged for many years to St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Portsmouth Virginia. Founded in 1804. The Gothic structure survived fires, battles from two wars (1812 and our Civil War), provided sanctuary for slaves seeking their freedom, and served as a hospital in both the War of 1812 and the Civil War. […]

John Livingston

Thanks Be to God

As my wife Lynn and I come to the end of our 5th Idaho Montana tour we are sitting on Buffalo Creek in Island Park. We have followed the trail of Lewis and Clark Eastward through the Lolo Pass and then North along the Bitterroot River to the Clark’s Fork and then East and North […]

John Livingston

The Corporate Soul

Over twenty years ago I served on a committee appointed by the Catholic Bishop of Idaho and Chaired by Sister Patricia Mulvaney whose purpose was to “decentralize the corporate soul” of the Bishop of Idaho, replacing the property rights—and legal liability from the Bishop to the local Parishes and in one case Bishop Kelly High […]

John Livingston

Our Sacred Honor

The adults who oversee many of our institutions that historically have held the keys to the kingdom of the promise of hope and advancement in our society, have proceeded in a world and with hearts that are void of virtue. The predicate for all actions in a civil and ordered world must be a foundation […]

John Livingston

A Great Religious Leader

For all Christians—Catholic and Protestants, the writings of Father John Ratzinger later to become Pope Benedict the XVI, and his prescient transcendent understanding of human nature and his love of man and God, have had an impact on modern religious, theological, and political and economic, thinking that will only grow and become more understood in […]

John Livingston

Does Government Money Trump the Beliefs of Catholic Hospitals?

Twenty to thirty percent of patients in our country receive their acute health care in hospitals that either have remained Catholic, or that continue to fly the “Catholic” banner. One hundred and fifty million people will be treated in a Catholic hospital in the USA this year. The history of modern-day health care throughout the […]

John Livingston

A Different Catechism

“WE FEED THEM” Nancy Pelosi told Wolf Blitzer on the situation room in October of 2020. On August 24th of this year, Joe Biden announced debt relief of up to $20,000 dollars for those holding Pell Grant Obligations, and $10,000 for non-Pell Grant debtors. On September 1st Governor Little signed the $500 Rebate […]

John Livingston

St. Al’s is not a Catholic Hospital

Any discussion about abortion should be proceeded with the following statements: “There is no sin greater than God’s Providential Mercy and forgiveness” We should all examine the “logs in our own eyes before being critical of the slivers in the eyes of others”. And finally, we are called to remember that “he who is without […]

Gem State Patriot News