Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Is Tommy Ahlquist a Real Conservative or Just Another kind of Crony?

I have to say, after listening to Tommy Ahlquist on the Kevin Miller show answer questions and pontificate about how he is going to fix health insurance, I am even more skeptical of the rhetoric that he has been tossing around in his ads about the other candidates. He had an opportunity to defend himself […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Is Ahlquist a Pot Calling the Kettle Black?

On the Attack: It appears that Tommy Ahlquist has decided to go on the attack against his opponents in the race for Governor of Idaho. In a recent radio spot, you hear a spokesperson talk about Brad Little’s bad voting record on abortion and his votes to give Planned Parenthood taxpayer money. This part of […]


Mark Johnson, Candidate for Senate District 20

I wasn’t born in Idaho, but I have lived here 45 of my 55 years and consider myself a native. I grew up in rural Idaho and love the outdoors. I’ve traveled worldwide in my career but have never discovered any place that I believe is better to pursue my interests and raise a family. […]


Terry Edwards Running for Idaho State Senate in District 25

Terry Edwards is running because a Freedom Index Score of “F” for District 25 State Legislators is unacceptable. District 25 and the freedom loving conservative folks of Idaho deserve better. If you thought the Swamp was only in Washington DC think again, it’s right here in the Idaho Statehouse. Republicans In Name Only must be […]


Chad Christensen Announces Candidacy for Idaho 32B

Small business owner and Bonneville County resident Chad Christensen has announced his candidacy for Idaho Legislative House Seat B in District 32. Christensen is a graduate from Skyline High School. Him and his wife, Stephenie, met while attending Ricks College (now BYU-ID) in Rexburg, ID. Chad adores his wife and you will know it when he […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Three Stooges go to Washington

This past week many of you may have received an e-mail from Lt. Governor Brad Little or seen him on Fox News blustering about his recent visit to Washington to meet with officials from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Seema Verma. Little, accompanied by Senator James Risch and Department of Insurance […]


Jay S Waters III of Twin Falls Declares Last Minute Candidacy to Challenge Heider in Dist. 24

Last minute candidate announces run for State Senator. Vows to offer choice and power back to the People of Idaho. Twin Falls – March 8, 2018 – Jay S Waters III of Twin Falls has and will continue to voice the problem with current state officials withholding bills in current seats. As a supporter of […]


A building fell down, so someone said, ‘there oughta be a law’

A building fell down. Someone said, “There oughta be a law.” Someone made a law. A building fell down, again. Building codes are like gun control: Neither achieves their stated goal; both create bureaucracy; both diffuse responsibility. All a builder needs show is that he “built to code,” how then can a court of law […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Idaho’s Swamp Dwellers Don’t Listen to the People Who Elect Them

It’s time that the taxpayers of Idaho wake up and take a hard look at the Idaho Swamp and the legislators who only work for themselves, the lobbyists, and the Governor. It has taken four years to get good gun rights legislation passed with concealed carry and campus carry. The last important piece is the […]


Leslie Duncan Announces for Kootenai County Commissioner, District 3

Rathdrum, Idaho resident, Leslie Duncan, has announced her candidacy for Kootenai County Commissioner, District 3. “I want to see better and more efficient county government that respects the people in our community and is committed to working for, and protecting the rights of all our citizens. If there is an opportunity to take a zero […]


POLL: Who do you support in the Idaho Lt. Governor Race?

Idaho’s Primary Election will take place on May 15, 2018. Which of these Republican candidates do you support in Idaho’s Lt. Governor Race? Your options are “Janice McGeachin,” “Marv Hagedorn,” “Steve Yates,” “Bob Nonini,” “Kelley Packer,” or “Other / Undecided.” If you select “Other / Undecided,” please leave a comment letting us know which way you are leaning […]


POLL: Who do you support in the Idaho Governor Race?

Idaho’s Primary Election will take place on May 15, 2018. Which of these Republican candidates do you support in Idaho’s Governor Race? Your options are “Raúl Labrador,” “Tommy Ahlquist,” “Brad Little,” “Other / Undecided.” If you select “Other / Undecided,” please leave a comment letting us know which way you are leaning or who you […]

Gem State Patriot News