John Livingston

Is Trump being “GOLDWATERED”?

I had a front row seat to the Presidential Election of 1964 between Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona and Lyndon Johnson who became President after John Kennedy was assassinated. My father gave up his business for a year and ran Mr. Goldwater’s campaign in Ohio. Ohio was at the epicenter of that campaign, until the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Republicans Represent the People

Were you surprised by President Joe Biden’s announcement that he would not be running for reelection? I know many people expected something like that, yet it was strange to see it happen in real time. After his disastrous performance in last month’s debate with Donald Trump, many prominent Democrats began calling for Biden to step […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Democratic Lawfare Alive and Well in Wisconsin

The Soldier’s Creed is “Never leave a fallen comrade.” The Democrat Party’s lawfare against President Donald J. Trump was unjust, anti-democratic, and obvious election interference. But President Trump had the means to defend himself. However, Trump was not the only target. Following the 2020 election, lawyers were recruited to challenge the election results in the […]

John Livingston

There are no Heroes

In every culture there are heroes. In almost every instance the purpose of a “god” or a “Saint”, a great warrior or a devil is to set some sort of a standard—good or bad. At a very young age we learn about the virtues, the evils, the accomplishments and shortcomings of heroes. At a later […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Don’t Have Blind Faith

If there were ever a time that Americans needed to put on their critical thinking hats, that time is now, more than ever. As much as Biden is loathed for the damage he has wrought onto America, it pales in comparison to what could be coming with former president Trump. It is not a time […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

History in the Making

The left calls them the Dictator and the Hillbilly, but it doesn’t matter what they call them — they may have to live with both these gentlemen, who could run the table to run this country for the next 12 years! The Trump train is rolling and with JD Vance now on board as his […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Labrador Letter: America Demands Answers!

Dear Friends, There are critical moments and images in American history that we remember clearly. For many before us, it was the bombing of Pearl Harbor or the assassination of JFK in Dallas. For the next generation, it may have been the moon landing or the Challenger disaster that many of us watched in classrooms. […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Trifecta of Lies

‘Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive’. Sir Walter Scott Biden’s now infamous performance in the presidential debate was devastating to the media narrative and a shock to those they had brainwashed. Biden supporters were confronted with the fact that their media outlets had been lying to them for […]

Opinions / Op-eds

RNC Showcases a Message of Hope

What a week! I’m writing to you from the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where Idaho’s 32 delegates proudly cast their votes for the next President of the United States, Donald J. Trump! America is in a rough place right now. The American Dream seems further out of reach than ever before. Inflation has […]

John Livingston

If Not Now, When? If Not You, Who?

Like many Republicans, I have been bathing in the afterglow of the Republican convention. “Kumbaya”. We should celebrate for a day or two and then get back to work. Where are the voices from two years ago from the corporate mercantilist wing of our party that preached from the pulpit of Tolerance—not acceptance? Mitt, Romney, […]

John Livingston

Competence and Courage

Since the assassination attempt on Mr. Trump last Saturday, I have had several conversations about the absolute lack of competency that we have witnessed over the past three and a half years in the Biden administration. When Kamala—aka, Ms. Willi Brown was given the title “Border Czar,” was it because she had ever been competent […]

John Livingston

God of our Fathers

God of our fathers, known of old,Lord of our far-flung battle line,Beneath whose awful hand we holdDominion over palm and pine —Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,Lest we forget—lest we forget! — “Recessional” by Rudyard Kipling For several years now I have prayed for a leader for our country who loves God and […]

Gem State Patriot News