Bob's Words of Wisdom

Just say “NO” to Rank Choice Voting, November 5th

We are seeing a revival in the conservative republican party in Idaho with the advent of the recent GOP convention and the election of Dorothy Moon who has been the driving force in ridding the party of the establishment RINOs. The true conservatives showed solidarity at this last convention and easily won all the positions […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Uniform Fairness

Imagine your child plays on their school’s Little League baseball team. You bought them their uniform and glove. You take them to practice. You attend all their games and encourage and support them in every way a parent should. You set a fine example for other parents who are also dedicated and put in the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Death of the Primary

The Democrats running Reclaim Idaho and their supporters are pushing a voter initiative which they are deceptively calling the “Open Primary Initiative” and falsely claiming that “Leaders are handpicked by political party committees” and that somehow Idahoans do not have the freedom to vote in all elections. These ridiculous claims are easily disproven with a […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Former Governor Otter’s endorsement of Ranked Choice Voting shows he is out of touch with Idaho conservatives

What is it about this time of year that brings the ghosts of politics past out from the shadows? A group of so-called Republicans from ten, twenty, thirty or more years ago joined former three-term Governor Butch Otter in endorsing Reclaim Idaho’s ranked choice voting and blanket primary initiative this week. This initiative would overturn […]

John Livingston

RANK (ed) Choice Voting — Words that speak for themselves

The way we have voted for people who hold public office in our country has changed many times over the past 246 years, since the signing of our Great Declaration of Independence. Our form of government changed from a “Confederation of States” under the Articles of Confederation—which had a unicameral legislature and a very weak […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Let the Games Begin

There was a time when I considered myself a good friend of Butch Otter’s. Our paths haven’t crossed recently, and I hope that will change soon. We shared a common friend who was close to both of us and who recently passed away. If Butch Otter was your friend, you were lucky. He is loyal—almost […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idahoans: Just Say No to Reclaim Idaho

Late last week, Idaho’s leftist press gloated about the State Supreme Court’s decision that the Attorney General’s office must rewrite the blanket primary / ranked choice voting ballot initiative. What they’re not telling you is that this actually marks a triumph for the AG and for all Idahoans who value the truth. The ballot initiative […]

Gem State Patriot News