John Livingston

Who Are the Real Fascists?

What is “gaslighting”? It is simply not telling the truth. We must however understand that the media and political elites who substitute a political narrative for facts that set the premise for any argument, must first not tell the truth. Their story of policy and philosophy has been a dismal failure. We must first understand that “gaslighting” as it is being currently practiced is part of a process of disinformation. In a 1984 interview Soviet Dissident Yuri Bezmenov describes the process of Marxist indoctrination and ideological subversion:

There are four steps: Demoralization (Indoctrination), Destabilization, Crises, and Normalization. These are very similar to the steps described by both Lenin and Saul Alinsky. We are at least 60 years into the first step of “indoctrination”—at least four generations of American Students who have been taught by teachers and professors who have taught the Marxist doctrine. Through our schools, government agencies, large corporations led by mercantilist third world advocate CEOs, whose first allegiance is to their corporate bottom lines and not to any underlying moral principles or an allegiance to their country, many citizens have become anesthetized and intellectually neutered by the prolonged exposure to the venom of the true advocates for totalitarianism and fascism. Many church fathers have stood by cowardly watching, while they understand what has happened to their brethren in far off Marxist States.

The lies have become ubiquitous and continuous. With each lie there is a reason for the lie that often times becomes exposed only years after the lie is told. One glaring example was the Hilliary Clinton Campaign’s lie about Trump Russian collusion and the “peepee” tapes and the Christopher Steele Dossier. The reason so many on the left were able to believe that lie was because that was exactly what was being done by their side via Perkin Coie lawyers and operatives. They were blaming Trump for exactly what they were doing.

Here is a list—not complete by any means of other lies that have become part of the political narrative:

Christ Troupis Book

WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION Thank you Papa Cheney—father of Liz

BOARDERS ARE SECURE Thank you Ms. Boarder Czar Kamala who cannot refute the charge that there are at least 435,000 unvetted criminals and terrorists now in the country.

GLOBAL WARMING—that has not become climate change, can be significantly impacted by reducing carbon emissions in the USA while China and India are increasing their emissions every year.

WE AREN’T GOING TO TAX UNREALIZED CAPITAL GAINS Like local municipalities do by assessing and taxing property at current market values.

WE AREN’T GOING TO INCENTIVIZE THE KILLING OF BABY BOYS AND GIRLS With taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood and large hospital corporations, and without parental consent.

WE AREN’T GOING TO INCENTIVIZE GENDER CHANGING SURGERY AND MEDICATIONS without parenteral notification and before the age of 18.

NICHOLAS SANDMAN WAS A CRIMINAL and mocked a Native American Elder


PRESIDENT TRUMP SAID NEO-NAZIs WERE “very good people”. His real quote was that there were “very good people” on both sides” of the political divide—and they continue to spue that hateful mistruth.


INSURECTION without weapons. The events of Jan 6th. were a trespass, were unfortunate and our side should learn a lesson from that day. WE have had several real insurrections in our history dating back to The Whisky Rebellion and John Brown in Harper’s Ferry. Twice Veterans have petitioned the Federal Government with acts of violence for back pay after wars. The people in Idaho who use the words insurrection to define what happened on Jan. 6th are some of the many who supported the sit in at our State Capital for “Say The Words”. Insurrection is all in the eye of the beholder.

IMPEACHMENT 1&2. Partisan ploys by little people. How would you like to be in a Fox Hole or storm a beach with Adam Schiff or Chuck Schummer—or Tim Walz for that matter.

THE WEAPONIZATION AND POLITICAZATION OF OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM from the time of Lois Learner at the IRS, till today in Courts in Miami, Georgia, and New York can itself be an example of “fascism”.

What needs to be said more often is that Mr. Trump has stood against the “fake news” and the elite political establishment with courage and equanimity. They have not only gone after him personally, but after his businesses and his family. We must certainly admire his courage and fortitude and that alone should help inform us of what type of leader we have.

It has also become my impression, and I have actually heard it expressed to me personally that not just Mr. Trump is evil, but so are his supporters! Here is another hurtful quote that I received in a recent e-mail from a lifelong friend: “How can you call yourself a Christian when you support a fascist like Mr. Trump?”

I ASK: Who are the fascists?

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3 replies on “Who Are the Real Fascists?”

The events of Jan. 6th was a good day! Trump publicly and legally declared the Continuity of Government retaining his status as Commander & Chief of the military. In a way Trump is now about to become president for a third term! It’s in the many little details where the truth is found.

Referring to your last paragraph, call me biased, but I have no leftist or left leaning friends, at least knowingly. As soon as they reveal their wokeisms, I discard them, instead of waiting for them to denigrate me and my beliefs. These friends and acquaintances have exposed themselves to you. You also need to discard them, because you are not THEIR friend, and they would never have your back. They have no respect for you.


It behooves us and our cause always to stay engaged.

“Each ;public official swears that he will support the Constitution as he understands it, not as it is understood by others.” Andrew Jackson

“Compromise is the first law of combination….Partners in business compromise, husband and wife compromise, and the scheme of salvation was compromise by which God accepted in our stead the atonement of His Son”.

From A. Lincoln—DIFFER WE MUST.

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